Option to OPT OUT of Specific Bgs

Blizzard takes away blacklisting then gives us Seething Bore and a poor implementation of WG…coincidence? Probably, but ask me again after the Achor Weed kicks in.

Do what I do and specific queue for BG’s after you cap for the week. No point doing randoms really.

I love temple. Its quick, fun, and fast paced. Do a few of those then maybe I’ll switch it up and do some warsong gulch.

Yeah like why did they remove it in the first place?

I hate the 15 vs 15 maps they r so boring IMO.

The rewards from battlegrounds are negligible. That is why I suggested capping in the first few days and then doing the maps you enjoy, but it sounds to me like you’re someone that doesn’t do anything “for fun” and just chases the carrot.

Have you considered that people might want to have fun at the same time as getting rewards?

The blacklist existed in the past, and it was very nice.

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I /AFK when I get into a BG I dislike, I then log onto another toon until my deserter debuff is gone.

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Excellent idea. Too bad Bliz only cares about the alts and the pve players.

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Sure, the option to remove a map from your list was nice, if you ignore all of the negative things that came with it.

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What were those negative things?

I never had any issue with the blacklist feature, but to each his own :thinking:

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You and I don’t agree on those negative things as we’ve had this discussion before, and that’s fine, but it was obviously an issue enough that it was removed.

  • Caused the removal of Call to Arms
  • Severely impacted queue times, whether you blacklisted or not
  • Impacted queues by causing ‘strings’ - the most blacklisted maps would be the ones that popped the most frequently for people that didn’t use the system
  • Wasn’t used because people disliked maps, it was used because people perceived to lose them the most
  • Similarly, players would need to blacklist maps for a better queue. I should never have had to blacklist maps I enjoy just to have reasonable queue times.
  • Impacted playability of maps: bots (and bad players) were funneled into the top blacklisted maps, making those games suck.

I fail to see the problem. If you dislike a Bg, blacklist it. If you don’t dislike the BG, why would you care if you got it repeatedly? Anecdotal evidence of “BOTS and BADS” holds very little weight with me.
I should NEVER have to do BGs I don’t enjoy in order to satisfy queue times.

Anecdotal or not, the feature was removed so there is weight behind it. And even people who don’t dislike maps get bored if it appears four or five times in a row.

You complain about having limited time to play but then want to spend even longer in queues. I don’t get it.

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You seem to be ignoring my point. The queue time is part of it. You’re ignoring the fact that MANY MANY PLAYERS DO NOT ENJOY SPECIFIC BATTLEGROUNDS. I will gladly take an extra 5m queue if it means I don’t eat a 45 minute WG loss or a 20m Temple of Kotmogu loss ( just examples). A WSG loss may be long, but it’s NEVER 40 minutes.

The “penny wise, pound foolish” argument is faulty here.

If time constraints are a concern, just don’t queue for epics. Longer queues for longer games. WG can take a nice long time but IOC is often comparable and AV is sometimes even longer.

You know as well as the rest of us why blacklisting used to be a feature and no longer is. It isn’t coming back.

We all value our time, and the dismissive argument of “don’t like it? don’t play” is counter productive. Why force people into old, recycled content that isn’t enjoyable?

Again, why should we not have the option to NOT PLAY INSTANCES WE DON’T ENJOY? When queueing for raids, YOU CAN CHOOSE THE INSTANCE. There is no valid reason that this option is gone for PvPers.

Go faster? The group my alt was in literally tore up WG in 9 mins. fast enough loss for you? :rofl: :joy: :joy: But yeah I get it. I would like black list too, but I don’t see it coming. :confused:

You can queue for a specific BG, you know.


I suggested this but apparently that’s not the point because “muh rewardz”.


when i play baseball i hate hitting the ball, running around bases, and having to catch the ball and pitch. can these things be removed from baseball just for me?

i know, i know, i should just not play baseball if i don’t like it right? but that seems like a counterproductive argument don’t you think?

I don’t mind playing crappy BGs, but I want them to cycle… It would be nice to play the ones I like in rotation.

It seems I play more Wintergrasp then anything, I’d rather ram a spoon through my eye then play wintergrasp all day long!