Option to Compress SavedVariables

That’s not my understanding. While they want that to be an option, they’ve encouraged addons by providing lua and documentation to use it since day 1. Robust addons allowing so much customization is one of the selling points of WoW for some people. They cater to addon devs all the time by addressing bugs and answering questions or clarifying issues with lua code.

Well, that’s exactly what you were. Not only that, but you were totally contrarian about everything you stated as well. Think before you press Reply.

“LUA” eyes bleed every time…

Heres the thing, those loads tend to break something in the UI so I pretty much have to /reload every time I go anywhere.

Looks like the latest patch for Retail removed the pre-indenting and the comment indexing of saved variable files.

My load time just decreased! :slight_smile:

EDIT: That said, the option to include both of these options should an addon developer want to preserve this functionality doesn’t appear to be present. In some cases devs use the addon’s saved variables for human readable purposes.

Something like a global variable toggle to include indenting for the next reload cycle would be awesome, just have it reset on the next reload and it’d be perfect.

Most of you guys probably don’t /reloadui as much as I do, but man, the improvement is massive. Particularly for addons like ATT that use a lot of big sequential tables. Just removing the whitespace and comments ripped out 1.2 MB worth of data from the saved variable file for ATT alone.