Opinion on Soul Reaper

I was talking to a DK friend of mine the other day and we both loathe how Soul Reaper works. The 6 seconds delay for the damage to pop feels strange. Opinions?

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It’s based on the Lich King’s Tank Swap Ability.

I remember it used to give 50% Haste rather than Runic Corruption.

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mechanically its fine, damage wise the payoff just isn’t there.


Yes Damage needs to be bigger especially for a talent point execute ability. The way it is now it should just be baseline if they want every DK to use it or have it. I see a lot of high lvl DK remove it once they get to a certain gear level so I think it is less useful at higher level of play or gear.

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It needs some tweaks. It should explode once it hits under 35% and apply Mortal Strike effect for it’s duration for PvP.

The new Deathbringer changes next patch are welcome.

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Removing the delay would be a solid step

At this point its just feels like a button bloat ability that feels awkward to slip into the priority at low HP. I am biased though and have never liked abilities that are only useful as executes as they just feel like they’re adding a extra button for the sake of adding an extra button.

Do be fair, you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. That’s the beauty of talent trees.

What kind of irks me though about Soul Reaper is that yes… the 6 second delay has always been awkward to use but it’s the nature of this ability since it’s part of the Lich King’s Tank Swap Mechanic that gives him Attack Speed when it goes off (or kills someone with it). 50% Haste was not something to be scoffed at.

It did a lot of dammies too. Today? Not so much and Deathbringer Changes makes it so that when applied: It makes Malthael (Reaper of Souls) increases its damage by a hefty 20% in 11.0.5 and ignores the health threshold of it.

Personally, I would just remove the threshold on debuff entirely and make the Death Knight can only apply it when target is below 35% health. Making Reaper of Souls bypass this… and it should also proc Runic Corruption (Really prefer the haste) when it goes off… along with when it kills someone with it.

But that’s just me. :coffee:

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It just feels limp. Compared to so many other abilities we have it just doesn’t feel impactful.

I love soul reaper, I think the delay is fine and thematic. The issue is that too much of our damage is tied up in pets and cooldowns that our actual rotational abilities (soul reaper being one of them) all feel like garbage.

I remember back in MoP you could actually finish someone off with just a lucky soulreaper crit, but nowadays it’s wet noodle status.

strange? you mean grossly underpowered? could be buffed by 200% and probably still be bad lmao

Reapers mark is the real soulreaper.

Fr tho, SR should just be a touch of death with DK flavor. The delay is even fine IMO.