Operation Red Panda new casual raiding guild looking for raiders!

Need more players!

Looking for more people!

Still looking for more players!

On the look out for more dps!

Now 9/9N and 7/9H!!

Now 9/9H and searching for more raiders!

What roles are you looking for?

My wife and I are looking for a raiding guild that works best with our RL schedules. She tanks on a guardian Druid and I heal on a resto Druid. We also do M+. Do y’all need any tanks/healers? She currently only tanks in raid and M+, no off spec. We are both 420+ ilvl with 7/9 heroic raiding experience. we’re looking for a guild we can raid in together and where she can tank and I can heal.

My battle tag is subzerore#11309

Are you still looking for people? If so, what are your current role/class needs?

We are still looking for more players!

Still searching for more!