It seems that this issue is due to the old Mythic Plus splits that were added to allow you to place your keystone in the second half of the dungeon. I don’t know if this can be easily removed from the entire dungeon, however the issue is that after leaving the dungeon, the NPCs despawn and will not open the door properly, as you would doing a mythic 0 run. Sadly I couldn’t find any way to repair it afterwards, but not leaving between the 4th and 5th boss seems likely to prevent the issue.
Still an issue 8/9/24
Yep. Just discovered this too. It won’t ever be fixed. Microzard are too busy making money. World of Dollarcraft
This is still an issue. Cleared first 4 bosses on a Monday night (Australian time), then zoned back in Tuesday evening to clear the rest and the wall is up. No maintenance between logins, nothing else that I can think of that might bust a lockout.
This is so much fun. I’m just trying to farm some tidalcores for old crafts…
Get to the end of the Temple of Sethralis and couldn’t heal the guy. The TWW bandages I bought didn’t do anything - they gave him the debuff, but no health. The orby thing didn’t heal him, and then the encounter just stalled.
So I ported out, ended up at mechagon. 4 bosses later, can’t get into the 2nd half.
We’re 0 for 2 tidalcores/hydrocores.
Still bugged, nice…
still bugged on mythic