Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall Now Live!

Great, thanks for the heads up. Wait, this is already tomorrow!

Why couldn’t you have informed us earlier?
For example, knowing about the increased dungeon drops might have allowed me a short break from gearing my characters, knowing I would not loose out much.

I really really hope, Blizzard will announce the world-revamp Cataclysm pre-patch at least two weeks (or better a month) in advance.

There is still a lot of content I want to experience (and make quest screenshots to preserve the lore from my char’s perspectives):

  • Lost quests added in old zones since Burning Crusade (Neither available in Classic Era nor Cataclysm)
  • Battle for Undercity (thoroughly and repeatedly, also while trying to record videos)
  • Completing Late- and Endgame Zones (I do not expect to level another char all the way up to 60 in pre-Cata content, soon)
  • Reputation and repeatable quests (As a completionist to do all the quests and maybe collect some worthwhile transmog)
  • Soloing old raids for quests, fun and if lucky collectibles (ZG mounts)

Since January, I worked towards it, completing all Dungeon quests, Silithus and Plaguelands, as well as gearing my chars for solo raids.

When I come back from Easter vacation on April 7, how many weeks will be left in Wrath Classic?

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This isn’t getting love though. It’s getting regurgitated crap that is like 15+ years old now at this point and it wasn’t even all that fun and engaging back then.

I agree with the sentiment here.

I’m in a 10 man Heroic raid group (only because we don’t have the people for 25 anymore), and it’s disheartening to see that our efforts mean nothing compared to 25s.

I’m not asking for Shadowmourne pieces to drop, but maybe increase the rewards for 10 man Heroic at the very least? Extra tokens or something to make it more worth our while?

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Whats your ankles, buddy

Just to Clarify, this is going to last until Cata release correct? or is it just like for the next week or so?

increased tiger drop rate plz??

WTF? No love for 10 man groups?

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wrathful set for honor and more emblems of frost would of been a really nice boost to the lifeblood of wotlk until cata… no one wants to make alts right now because it takes a month for 4 set and 4-6 weeks for wrathful

retail isn’t bringing in the dough


This looks really cool. I love the posters.

I think it’d be great if we could get some stuff like this in retail, Gnomes and Trolls need some attention.

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These Scenarios, as well as Battle for Undercity, would make great Timewalking Events in Retail!

Especially since the instanced/phased scenario tech in Retail is less buggy than the automated world-events of that era (btw: The Lights Hope event in the DK starting zone could use an scenario-tech update as well. The Vash’jir submarine quest in Cata could be a similar case.)


I’ve been rocking “Darkspear Revolutionary” on my troll for 14 years now.

… but I can’t bring myself to use “Hordebreaker” on my Alliance toons. Makes me feel dirty :stuck_out_tongue:

The gamma scourgestone drops arent even working correctly.


The tokens and shards arent working as well


Blizzard needs to fix these issues!!! Don’t tempt us with less farming just to not implement it.

The biggest hurdle in gearing is really badges of Frost numbers, just make daily drop more or give us a badge more per end boss in heroics. You did everything else but change the number of badges for gear.

None of the ICC 25man loot updates are in correctly. Not all bosses are dropping shards, end wing bosses are only dropping 1, and 1 heroic loot token.

Really need emblem drops buffed by like 3x kinda crazy how long it takes for you to get 4pc this late in.

Can we please get permanent wrath classic realms. Thanks