Opener/rotation for sv pvp

What’s a good opener/rotation for SV pvp? Thanks

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PvP doesn’t really have a rotation. Toss some bombs and stings, harpoon in for some raptor strikes and disengage if it gets too hot.

Lol First time back in 7 months things changed trying to find at least a good opener

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Personally what I like to do alot is pop my macro of Coordinated Assault/Dps Trinket and Harpoon into someone slamming a grenade into their face.

I’m pretty sure he knows he’s not fighting a target dummy.

@ OP: Check out Wowhead’s survival hunter PvP guide. Will give show you how to prioritize your abilities in a few different scenarios.

I mean, he did say he wanted a rotation for player vs player.

It’s semantics really. Most PVP guides use the term “rotation”.

are dumb lol

Are you sure about that? Wowhead and Icey Veins class guides are typically written by multi rank 1 or glad players.

For raiding they give good advice, when its pvp its usually preference. Rank 1 survival hunter for instance, Bicmex. He doesn’t follow those sites and has made videos explaining why he picks what he does.

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