One WEEK cooldown on conduits is absolutely ludicrous

Speaking as a former mythic raid leader (It was called heroic back then), I would say this: you gain more from having a consistent raid team that enjoys the content they’re playing than having everyone min-max on a per-fight basis.

As long as you avoid drama and do the best you can while everyone is enjoying themselves, you will progress.

Before I took over the raid leadership, too many times I would see the raid be built and geared around min-maxing, and it just took one person getting pissed off to ruin it and require finding a replacement, so I implemented a strict Mainspec/Offspec roll off rules, with any PuGs/Trials getting full loot rights, and it went smoothly to the end of the expansion.

(We’re not going to see 30% gaps between covenants. Even now, with the disaster that is the end of this expansion balancing, it looks like there’s roughly a 20% difference between Fire Mage and Windwalker Monk)

A week cooldown on conduits, or covenants? Covenants that’d be fine. Conduits? seems a bit silly considering they have ilevels right? What if you get a upgraded one.

So the system changed and tossed some of you a bone so no longer do we got to farm to change yay? Now instead of wanting the system to change what you want. Why not adapt to it? This system won’t always be here.

Blizzard clearly does not want it to be easy to switch. So accept it.

I think they said that getting an upgraded one just increases the ilvl of the equipped one.

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Sorry, your accolades from 10 years ago don’t match up as raiding is an entirely different beast as it was back then.

Spoken like someone who hasn’t done mythic raiding in years. Do you know how catastrophic it was going into Mythic Nzoth this tier without 10 immunities? The first 300 guilds had 10 immunes except like 3 guilds used 9 and barely hit the enrage timer. Your theory doesn’t match up to reality, sorry.

Yeah, there are plenty of guilds who are okay with this. But not ones are that actively pushing CE content.

What planet are you actually living on?

Your entire reply is “I used to do content, now i don’t. But you can have fun!!!”

It might be something like each conduit having a cooldown, so if something new drops you can equip it, but once it’s equipped you won’t be able to re-equip it for a week. That’s just speculation though.

I can’t speak for others here, but I was here to engage and have my opinion changed (if wrong), and I was wrong. I thought the original cited change was that conduit slots were per-spec (which I said in my original reply attempting to address “the misunderstanding”), but once I realized that wasn’t true and and how single-role-multi-spec classes were likely to get burned, I changed my mind.

So I’m in full agreement with your stance on the matter, and I hope they fix it.

(We’re all here to engage/discuss, right? Perhaps have our stances challenged or changed? Or am I the only one?)


This isn’t true at all in the current raid scene. In EP, you couldn’t just “all get along” and kill Azshara. That fight was brutal. Something like 900 guilds finished that tier at 7/8 mythic. You have to min/max to a certain extent and still play extremely well. Raiding isn’t like Heroic ICC anymore.


dont hold your breath

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Conduits sound like a not-as-cool form of glyphs (when they first released).

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Heh, sometimes I feel like that Eddie Murphy bit where I’m stranded in the desert and Blizzard throws me a stale cracker. I’m so hungry that I’m like “oh MAN, [licks fingers] woo was that a RITZ cracker? That was delicious!”

I’m still reeling from them making Soulshape better in today’s build and how fun messing around with Blood DK with Venthyr was last night. At some point that’ll wear off and I’ll remember just how typically unresponsive they’ve been for the last 3 betas and go back to being sad. LET ME HAVE THIS!

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Conduits are literally minor azerite traits which can’t be changed easily. It’s terrible.


This whole xpac seems like one big repackage of things they took away from the game but returning worse than they were lmao


Now if only they would bring back reforging


Perhaps I am somewhat out of date, but I suspect that the ease of respeccing and rebuilding characters has caused Blizzard to need to balance around that. When the characters can min-max on a per fight basis, you have to design the fight with that in mind.

I have a laundry list of stuff they should give us back: reforging, gems, pvp class sets, tier, armor pen, hit, glyphs, passive trees, resilience…I think you get the idea lol

Everything behind a time gate


I see you failed to address anything in my post, but in case you’re not aware Blizzard does this anyway.

It’s why it took actual hundreds of millions of gold for Limit/Method to down Nzoth pre-nerf of spending on EV corruption because it was overtuned damage and it was the best. There is 0 chance they would have been able to do the boss without.

The boss was mathematically tuned around having 10 immunes, and was for months.

Bring the player not the class does not apply to CE raiding anymore, not until substantial nerfs go out months into the tier.

You can disagree with me, but you’d be wrong because I live in reality where I’m actively doing CE content and you are not. That’s the difference between my opinion and yours.

This doesn’t really make sense though. So lets say you down a progression boss on Tuesday then move on to the next boss on Wednesday that has a different damage profile. So you progress the rest of the week using the wrong conduits, then come back the next week with the correct conduits and the boss is 10% easier? How are they going to balance that correctly?

Edit - Then lets say the 3rd boss in this example is the same damage profile as the first boss. So you have everyone swap back to their first conduit choices and now you have to re-progress the 2nd boss since it’s now 10% harder than when you killed it.


I’d rather they just swap like talents or azerite traits in rested area…

I dunno why blizzard suddenly has a hard on for restricting content from players. They haven’t had an issue at all about players being able to swap whenever they want for years.

Now it’s not just the covenants that you’re basically hard locked into, but the bloody systems inside of it too…?