One-Off Knowledge Point Checker

So I’ve got the weak aura for weekly profession knowledge, but does anyone know if there is a tool to check a character for the one-off knowledge points? Things like the hidden treasures, hidden masters, etc?

The reason I ask is that I, like many I suspect, have an army of alts and while I thought I’d gotten all those one offs I was doing an AA on my mage and noticed the mini-game tailoring one and it got me worried that there was more I was missing out on.

I checked wowhead to see if there was one of those scripts to check if you’d done it, but they don’t seem to have them for that.

Is this what you look for?

The WA I use includes the one-off items as well (Profession Knowledge Tracker by Vielys). If you’ve already got them, they just won’t show on your list.