One Night Stand Alliance | PvP | NA | incendius | One Night Only Raiding!
We are a group of long time players looking to add to our ranks! Our goal is simple: Kill bosses on a casual schedule at an efficient rate.
What we are?
Like minded adults with priorities in life that keep us from raiding full time.
What we aren’t?
A guild where we will be pushing to be bleeding edge in all content.
Raid Times:
One night a week, current top voted options are Sunday or Tuesday from 8-11 CST
All players who match our approach to the game and desire to clear content while maintaining our IRL commitments are welcome; currently class wise:
Warrior (Prot): Low
Warrior (DPS): Medium
Mage: Medium
Warlock: Medium
Druid (Resto): High
Druid (DPS/Offtank): Closed
Paladin (Holy): Medium
Hunter: Low
Rogue: Low
Priest: Closed
What we expect from you?
- Attendance for that 1 night a week, we get things come up, but 90+ for a full time slot is expected!
- 60 within 2-3 months of launch
- Maturity, we’re cool so we want you to be cool
If interested, check out our discord and hang out a bit before launch!
**PS dont pay attention to this account for any kind of raid progress or accolades 
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Apparently the forums are cracking down on posts and I have to make a complete sentence to Bump something.
I see, well either way this totally isnt just a padded out reply to bump it
Oh hey guys, just dropping to say with as many words possible that this guild rocks
I like the idea of a one night raiding guild and although I don’t wish to join I support you guys with this bump.
That’s nice of you, thanks for the support!
With a busy schedule 1 raiding night a week sounds perfect!
Yea this guild is really meant to be accessible but still active and positive with a goal towards eventual progression
After joining the discord I must say it is quite active and the hype is real there for classic.
For sure! We have a good group
We’re all just foaming at the mouth waiting to play, nothing to do but reminisce and plan. < 3 weeks!
This is a bump to appease the blizzard gods
What a friendly place to hang out while waiting for classic to come out. Come join us for the stress test!
Come do your pre launch setup with the best guild
Calling all casters, free robes and staves
This sounds great! My only problem would be I can’t do Tuesday nights, cause that’s when my live guild raids. I was looking to play either druid or paladin for heals.
I think we’re still considering Sunday as an option. AFAIK Tuesday isn’t final.
Yea like kuraku says Sunday is still possible. Come have a chat in the discord!
Feel free to apply regardless of whether or not you’re planning on raiding. Currently planning PvP events and leveling groups of varying commitment