One Final Request

The ironic part is there was a guy in beta streaming and leveling as a 2H Enhance and he did just fine. You still proc windfury, you still gain maelstrom weapons — its just auto attack, shocks, and healing yourself.

He went to cap on the Beta just doing that, and seemed like he was having a blast.

See people want 2h enhance I would like to see it. I perfer dw but I would like to see how 2h enhance would do if we had access to all of our abilities. Yes I want to see it. returned but I want it returned when they have time to actually work on it not on a tight time table.

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I dont see why totems are not brought back as big meaningful cds… Maybe I just want more thought and impact…

We could have searing totem, but as a higher cd with a larger impact. From spitting fire at all fs targets, to a beam that ramps up dmg or something.

Cleansing totem for all specs, again larger cd more impact.

Mana tide. Make it the same as cloudburst but for mana. But Gron that is insanity? Yes. So, the point is you drop it during heavy healing, all mana used… (include arcane mages maybe?) is stored then divided amongst those who contributed to the pool, just like cloudburst, you need to think before the deployment.

Fire nova totem… uh… well I was never a good enh to begin with so. I dunno… maybe it pulses every stormstrike… or something? I dont know. Every flame shock boosts the nova damage as well maybe? that might be cool.

And of course… the totem we already have exclusive to pvp… The crit boost in a can… Totem of wrath. Why isn’t this for pve as well? Shift the numbers around… maybe less of a boost, higher cd for pve… and we have a huge impact on a fight that is unique.

There is so much potential with the totems. So many options it is utterly insane that they binned it all.

Resto to me is missing a unique niche… it isnt the best single target healer… aint the best at stacked or aoe… So give us that utility in spades to be as flexible as we can

Have you met Spirit Link Totem?

This is the biggest problem, they refuse to listen, they are so stucked up in doing some “new stuffs” that they forget to deliver the “basic stuff” to players.
This game is really bad for people that enjoy PVP for a while (WOD -> BFA). They should listen more to players, answer people in the forums, and do balance changes regularly, this should be the minimum. But this is just hopeful thinking, this what the old blizzard would do, not this new one.

Yeah. Cause when the “old blizzard” was here, they listened to the players and PVP was perfectly balanced for all specs?

MoP 5.3 was perfectly balanced because every class was utterly ridiculous, evening the playing field with nonsense from everyone.

Looks like maybe with this extra time there is still hope!!!

No, but we did have balance patchs more often and they did try to fix issues. You didn’t have classes that stayed on the dumpster tier for 2 years like MM hunters are right now for exemple. It was perfect? Hell no, but classes have they niches, you could play a class and have a spot in a comp that could do well.
You could not get 2.7+ (that was really high back then) without being really good, but at least you could play to a satisfying level. And as Bubblies said, MOP was one of the insanest patches ever, and even so was more balanced then the game was now, cuz almost every class have something broken going for then (bm/stampede, enhance/ascendence, druid/symbiosis, lock blood fear for 1 patch, etc…).
Anyway, we are not here to talk about this. And blizz today just make an “old blizz” move (they seen to be listening), they just postponed launch, so maybe we still have time to get few things better, test new things and hope we can improve our class and finally remove enhance for the f-tier that it is right now =x .