One Day Raid LF More <Arcana>

Huntsman is down! Come join us for more

destroyer down!

LF more to get Sun King next!

need a disc priest!

Just looking for one disc right now!

Looking for a disc priest to help us take down Sun King

still lf disc priest and a dk dps

lf more :slight_smile:

Looking to build up the roster for next tier, hit us up if youre returning

bump bump! LFM!

Lf healers and range who can flex heal who are looking for a one day raid night

Still need healers!

Still need some heals!

We need healers I promise not to yell too bad when you mess up. :slight_smile:

Say what?! bump time!

bump! 5/10 h, mythic will be soon and we need peeps

235 UH DK, looking for a guild that I can call home with.