One change for your spec

I actually like that idea a lot, think it’d be cool to be able to choose a variety of undead pets for different scenarios, though I’m sure demonlogy warlocks would be livid if we took their scheme

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yeah, but we are the only pet class with little to no utility and choice with our pet. you would think a necromancer would be able to pick which body to raise depending on the need.

just some ideas:
abomb: tanking pet w/taunt, hook instead of leap. (the current pvp talent could be renamed to “Summon Patchwerk”)
ghoul: stay current.
giest: fear instead of stun, claw does plague damage instead of physical.
skeleton: ranged, root in place instead of stun.


Your transmog is siiiiiiiick


I have 2 changes:
Let me use a 2h frost (or at least xmog to a 2h)
Balance talents so that other talents besides BoS are viable. I hate BoS.


death siphon, real lich born/death coil heal us or ghoul, our 15% movement speed and our 1 second gcd.


Posted this in PTR Dev board too. Thought might as well post in dk board also.

Did Dev forgot about the Rune of the Fallen Crusader nerf due to the inflated ilvl in Legion? Correct me if I’m wrong that the nerf was due to too much strength we had due to high ilvl gears. After item squish, this should go back to 20-25%?


I would like it if my top damaging ability was something other than my auto attack.
Balancing of dots/ runes/ runic power/ pet/ 8 minute cds/ and my top dps is auto attack…feelsbadman.


Hear that whole heartedly, main damage being auto attack makes the abilities almost feel worthless


Would love to see the talent Consume to be treated as an AOE Cleave Death Strike. Front healing with % by mastery as a blood shield.

Rune strike hits all targets in frontal cone and does triple damage to current target. Still generates a rune.

Blood needs something for damage outside of big cds like DRW.

remove BoS playstyle. it has killed frost. also remorseless winter isnt a viable option either.


Give Unholy the Sludge Belcher back.


Fun: Dark Sim baseline.

Utility: AMZ baseline.

Damage: Gargoyle baseline. (I’ve given up on caring if auto attacks or the pet do the most damage, just need more of it)

Frost: Would love for talents to be competitive, and not be stuck with certain playstyles (aka: Breath).

Unholy: Feels really bad to be spending 2 runes to apply wounds. Feels as though it should cost 1, Scourge cost 2, and hit like an absolute mofo. The spec has some really cool ideas, but to me (subjective viewpoint), the whole playstyle feels clumsy with so much going at once.

Blood: Really enjoy, but could have a bit more armour, be it from Bone Shield or baseline.

Like, if you are trying to clear the spot to res that you’re going to have any rp left lol it really does need to be on runes instead of rp.

They got path of frost on runes. Which is a total out of combat skill. Probably because it only eats 1.

Heck, i wouldn’t care if it costs 5 runes. It would still be easier to res than having to pull a bunch of trash mobs to get the rp built up enough to res.

I mean, unless you got engineering. Then you can free res 1 time lol

I usually play in a party of can be challenging, especially vs an elite mob at level. I have no idea how many times the knife helped leveling up but I used it a lot. Lol


2h Frost. End Rant.


I feel like they should let us reforge the blade in next xpac.

If it’s going to be wotlk 2.0, i don’t see why they wouldn’t have us do that.

2h dk, be it melee or ranged seems to be what we dk mains want.

That and changing res so we can actually use it out of combat

Like, currently, -to res- you have to be pretty quick since rp drops faster than d3 barbs fury without generation.


Hmm…I really liked Frost’s “Mirror Ball” debuff purge upon AMS activation artifact ability. Also Gorefiend’s Grasp on all specs for better raid utility. And Remorseless Winter freezing targets after so many ticks, very nice in M+.

REALLY miss the “Necroblight” Unholy build from WoD.

Would like to see unholy’s Apocalypse changed. Instead of summoning ghouls out of nowhere just because you popped some wounds, make it uncastable until two conditions are met: Firstly, your target must have at least one festering wound up to five for the ability’s effect. Secondly, there must be corpses within 10 yards of your target or you if that’s too difficult to code. These corpses must be certain types though, humanoid, beast, dragonkin, demon, undead, and maybe aberration though probably not. Apocalypse will raise 1-5 nearby corpses of these types to attack your target based on wounds popped, excluding restricted enemies, whether that be bosses or incorrect enemy types. They last as long the normal 15 seconds but have access to all of their abilities including spells and buffs/debuffs that they can use on the death knight or the target. They would be balanced to do an average of the same amount of damage as your normal ghouls do.

The reason I want this change is to increase the immersion of playing a death knight, slaying enemies and then raising their corpses to fight for you. As well as believably since there always seems to be ghouls to raise no matter where you are in the world.

I love the vampire juggernaut feel that is the blood death knight and its currently my main, not really anything id want changed from it. Maybe some extra utility to help against spell damage types that isn’t baseline?

I would love to see a vampire like class though. Imagine a blood mage, a cloth wearing tank that could heal itself at levels that surpass blood death knights healing at the cost of taking more damage due to reduced armor. It could also have a healing spec that works similarly to disc priests, damaging enemies as the primary method of healing allies, siphoning health from their enemies in order to give their life force to their allies. Could have lots of interesting DoT hemo-plague and channeled siphon abilities. I would say that the dps spec could be like a leech rogue, but that might feel too similar to demon hunters (which totally should have had a mobile ranged spec).

As for frost, just bring back 2h weapons. That or change mastery so that it increases frost damage and allows Obliterate to bypass a percentage of armor, or deal a percentage of max health or missing health up to a limit based on mastery so that you actually get some use out of the stat for your main damaging ability

i’m pretty sure it already works that way.

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