Once upon a time WoW had roaming PVE dangers

I do miss the random roaming elites. The big werewolves in Silverpine got me many times.


They also tried it with Suramar leading up to the Nighthold. There was no flying yet, and the casual rando (myself) couldn’t just murder everything a la Remix. The game gave you tools to circumvent the dangers, disguises, hiding spots, and noisemakers to distract patrols. A lot of people complained that they couldn’t god-mode through this zone, so…yeah.

(IMO Suramar questing was the best storytelling this game has ever had, pity it’s not available for leveling as it were)


Sadly… Awsome world boss threats trample upon the paying customer.

There aren’t any now so you know which way Blizz leans.


If it gave low-skill players a way to prepare and still overcome the challenge I would welcome it. Otherwise, for me, it’s just a meaningless kill. It comes, I die. I feel worse, but there’s nothing I can do.

Maybe I can avoid it but all that is, is meaningless waiting and wasting time to get going on my quests I have in that area. Or better yet I just choose not to waste 10-30 plus minutes of my time worrying about where the Fel Reaver is and just die if I’m gonna die, and ultimately save time.

I have actually tried doing this, thinking, “Oh I won’t feel like crud if I can get through Hellfire Peninsula this time without dying once.”

A few hours later I’m like, “Yeah I’m worse than crud all I did by flying around and making sure I knew where the Fel Reaver was every time I did quests was waste 30 minutes.”

See, this is close to what I’m asking for. But something for someone like me who doesn’t have the skill to avoid the eyeball people even with all the goodies.


what you call a “PvE danger”, I call a mild annoyance. And dragging mobs to gates of Stormwind is psychopathic behavior.


I miss the giant mechanical loot piñata next the BT entrance.

Completely agree with op

If you hang around GD enough you’d see that unfortunately the playerbase is lazy and things like teamwork and figuring out situations for themselves is far far too hard.

I’ve seen way to many people hating on RPG elements while choosing to play an RPG.


Of some reason I came to think about Diablo 2 and how mobs became more powerful the more players that logged into a game. Imagine something similar for WoW. The more people that are in a zone, the more powerful the mobs become. That would motivate cooperation and groups to form.

That big dino in UnGoro crater got me many times. I remember going back when I was max level just to skin him as revenge.

Packs of mobs used to be bigger. I remember murlocks would pat in groups of 5 and then run off and bring more in. You would fear that sound they made rather than think it’s cute.

I don’t think that is coming back though or the WOW playerbase would revolt.


Go play classic? It and stitches is definitely still there and your welcome to play it for no additional cost. BOOM problem solved.


They tried that once, and so many people complained I doubt it will be used again.

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I mean they’ve tried this and everybody hated it so

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Aggroing flying mobs thst can dismountbyou in flight. Sure you got a parschute but you msy land in a dangerous area. People will be careful about their shortcuts this situation.

Dangerous like the MAW!

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I didn’t hate the idea. I just hated how they did it. It wasn’t hard at all. Hard is a challenge you CAN theoretically overcome. Fel reaver shows up = I die. That’s not hard it’s just annoying and depressing.

On paper this sounds good, but in practise is impossible to implement due to the ilvl gains we get each season. Getting to max lvl in at the start of Dragonflight and then getting S1 normal raid gear is about a big of a jump as the entirety of vanilla. And i mean from lvl 1 to BiS Naxx gear. Then an additional +30 every season. Which is about the same as MC gear to Naxx gear. And over the course of Dragonflight we have gained about 200ilvl. Which is roughly the same as lvl1 vanilla to WotLK Naxx.

Any hard open world content would have to be hard in fully upgraded normal gear, or it would become trivial within a week or two after launch. And even then it would be quite easy for heroic/mythic raiders.

Tried what? Having crap dismount you? That’s not what I had in mind. I was thinking more like just obstacles and other things flying about, they don’t need to dismount you.

Making the skies feel populated type of thing. There is no reason not to make them feel populated.

I hated the maw at the beginning because of the terrible Jailers Eye things that happened.
Once i got past that it wasn’t so bad. Yes, it was vast and tedious to cross to find that one last lost soul you needed waaaay over there by the elites. But it was much more bearable than before with the eye.

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The low level TWW zones had some level 80 rare elites wandering around the bonus objective areas in the beta. There was a couple times that low 70s players would join forces and kill them.

We had dangerous things flying in the skies. You had to alter how you flew.

I am not referring to places like in dragon flight that would auto dismount you.