I remember you saying that. I wasn’t a fan of him either. I caught something contradictory he said on Twitter years ago and commented on it. I’m not sure if he was threatened with his job or he just stopped caring
As I understand it from a friend of mine who was a GM for Blizzard back until Cata, it was sort a little bit of both.
He was kind of tired of being the scapegoat and people going on witch hunts every time something was added to the game that people didn’t like.
He did a good job usually of doing the right thing in games to make them pretty fun.
Age of Empires 3 was one he worked on, and it was a great game.
The man had an ego, but at least he had the talent to mostly back that up with, in game design.
Maybe GD has a thread with a better audience, that wants to read these stories?
Which is understandable and if true, I’m sure he was under some kind of agreement which prevents him from saying anything during and for a period afterwards.
I’ve lost faith in several companies lately. However, CD Projekt Red has piqued my interest…
What level brackets/faction do you do?
I would love to have more friends to BG with.
I’m basically a BG junkie.
I’m not “the best” but I try to be a good healer, and I don’t rage quit, yell, call people names, ect. I am happy when we win, but can lose 10 in a row, and take it in stride and just laugh it off.
I can do any faction, and about any bracket, except currently no 90’s.
Always willing to make a new healer starting at 20 with allied races to go on a BG adventure with anyone.
I twink the 80’s bracket as a healer, horde and alliance.
I’d rather not openly give my battletag since I found out the hard way people will friend you to harass you if you post something they disagree with.
ye doing that is a very bad idea also never accept random btags that come out of nowhere those are always fun XD
Oh man… did I find that out the hard way!
I stupidly accepted one from someone whose name I recognized from an AB we had just won, and man… the stuff that dude started talking about holy crap o.o
Wanting to exchange… (ahem!) “pix” and talking about all his fetishes. I was like >…>
I’m not easily offended, I am open minded and flirty myself, but dude we had just met lol!
Couldn’t hit unfriend fast enough.
Which is exactly what those who oppose twinking are doing. Right?
Why do you have to be judgmental? What if his fetishes were voodoo-esque?
Eye C wut U did thar! Good one!
Made me laugh!
Really wish you’d send me in game mail I’d love to talk to you in game sometime!
Or may I send you in game mail with my tag?
If no, I understand, forum people are… something XD
Gear is one minor issue, but not the biggest one by far.
Players on fotm specs are still having serious PVP problems in this game, gear cannot fix this issue.Upkeep is important, but even that will not remedy poor talent choices and complete lack of class knowledge.
One common pattern that we have have been made aware of is hearing,
“They have Twinks.” and upon inspection they are merely smart levelers making good use of the BOA opportunities provided.
Hey, I’ve enjoyed your responses in this and other threads. Isn’t it amazing how actually playing with twinks and getting to know them can change your mind? Feel free to add me–my btag’s in the thread twice already.
I primarily play 39s and 49s. As a general rule, I prefer horde, but I have characters ready to roll on both sides. I also have a 70 horde, am working on a 59 horde, and I have an 80 horde that I’m considering taking to 85 if I can ever get a group together for Herald of the Titans… I also have a 99 on Horde, but he’s not remotely updated.
Add me, I’d love to get some games with you!
I’ve been treated better in game by twinks than levelers.
I was called the “c” word by some guy who was zerging his way jenkin’s style into the twink cuddle puddle called the middle in EoTS, died, and blamed it on me, though we had 3 healers.
A twinked out disc priest sent me a tell, told me my healers were “pretty boss” for not being a twink (I was second behind her), and they took me under their wing and ran me through ICC and DS for some basic gear for 80’s bracket.
I’ve actually been UN-friended by a few people when they saw me in a twink pre-made. Friends I have known for years none the less.
I was chastised by one friend who talked down to me as if I were a small child, and then he said if I was going to “cop out and become a bully twink”, he wanted nothing to do with me.
I am still scratching my head at his logic, I’m a dedicated healer aside from occasionally playing my hunter or mage to get a healing break.
Meanwhile… my twink friends have been watching my healer back in BG’s and we’ve become good enough friends, we even text each other.
Seeing how “the other half lives” has been an eye opener, for sure.
Logged in and sent you my tag!
Sent friend request.
Some people show their true colors when they do something you don’t like. I have had a few people unfriend me before when I do something they don’t like. it just means they were never really your friend
Amen to that.
Glad you’re having a good time
I didn’t see anything I sent it to that Priest on Gallywix. I was confused for a moment as I know my alphabet until I realized it was a Brazil server.