On Twinking: Addressing Misconceptions

Why would queue times go through the roof?

There aren’t as many twinks as people post about.

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Yeah for sure, but also the attraction of owning levelers is not there anymore.

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Like Jadei said, those people were still in leveling BGs. The actual twinks would have to arrange times to play games. You’re not hurting the right people that way and Blizzard seems to have finally seen that.


Because there would be less players for the matchmaker to pull from… how is this even a question?

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Is this just instanced PVP that this scaling occurs at 120?

There’s scaling out in the world too. Was some crazy level scaling where 110s could beat 120’s but I think they reigned that back

That’s interesting and brings up a lot of questions. I know the reason they stopped segregating XP off was because of Legion templates, but they got rid of the templates because I guess people didn’t like it. However, scaling in max level 120 PVP is occurring regardless, but not at lower levels, or not enough I should say. People that are 111 are scaled up to 119 but it sure doesn’t seem like it. I see people routinely with 30k health, sure seems like something is off.

Well you tried saying there wasn’t scaling at max. So are you sure things are as bad as they seem and it’s not a class balance issue like I saw in the 10-19 bracket? Health isn’t scaled at 120. It’s behind the scene magic so the 30k doesn’t mean much.

No, I’m conceding what you said, I was going off the impression of what I’m seeing at 119. Now I see and have read that what you say is true about 120, that your health/gear is scaled as such that you shouldn’t be 2-3 shot.

What I’m saying is that 119 is not at all like this though.

I just edited. As a fresh 120 you’ll still have 60-70k health but it’s not as bad as it seems. It’s behind the curtain scaling that you just don’t see.

So is going on with the lower brackets then? Because like 120 yes a 119 can double the HP of someone in their bracket, the difference here is that you can 2-3 shot someone.

No clue just hit 20 so I’m too far from the 111+ bracket.

Well then all I can say is yes there is scaling, as in everyone is scaled up to 119. However, the gear is making a huge difference then, which seems to be completely opposite of what is going on at 120, according to what you are saying.

Again is it gear or certain classes?

Gear apparently

So you’ve seen this crazy damage from all classes?

At least, there are still good odds you will have a twink on your team too.

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Yes, all classes are far away destroying anyone who is not twinked

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Well take note of what people are wearing and submit feedback. They have been making some low level adjustments.