On the Reception of Earthen

Eh, let FFXIV keep all of their “near-humans.” I have no desire to see anything equivalent in WoW.

I just think the earthen look really, really ugly. Like insultingly ugly.

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I’ll reserve judgment. I do think they’ll need to lean into the inorganic elements of the race a bit more. Having organic hair on them just feels off.

We have four flavors of elf. They’re two different models but four different recolors.

Let dwarf enjoyers have their stonybois.

It’s not terrible that the horde will have a dwarf race now. It’s not exactly new and exciting.

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I’ll probably create one just to see how they start out and then park it.

Definitely not something I’d be interested in playing unless there’s something more appealing about them that what they’ve revealed so far.

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Mechagnomes say hello. Gnomes are already ugly, yet they somehow managed it to make Mechas even creepier…^^"

Two different recolours of two different things.

A blood elf and a night elf are night and day different.
Just because theyre a type of elf, does not make them the same.

The only thing they have in common is being humanoids with long ears.

If we want to get technical, it’s 6 flavors of troll, honestly…

They all play into the nigh-immortal, haughty erudite race with pointy ears and an innately inflated sense of self-worth trope.

On that note, I wouldn’t mind a few more flavours of troll. Namely Forest Trolls. Maybe Blizzard thinks they’d be confused for Orcs?

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I think that a generally pessimistic worldview paired with a glut of personal disappointments that have no expression in someone’s daily life result in a situation where people just vent their spleens about every new feature, every new cosmetic, every new allied race, every new everything, because their day to day lives are so intolerable that the boil has to be lanced somehow.

So they make gratuitously negative posts about new content. Becuase they’re publicly trying to work through personal issues.

Copping a squat over someone’s creative work just because you’re in a bad mood is one of the lowest forms of behavior I can think of.

Like … just don’t play eaerthen if you don’t like them, and save your bile for your mom or your therapist.

That’s one of the criticism I have for FFXIV. As much as I enjoy it and rate it as my favorite MMO… the lack of diversity in their playable races is disappointing. They’re just humans, short humans, tall humans, humans with scales, humans with cat ears, humans with bunny ears, and the one non-human race (Hrothgar) who still can’t even play the females yet.

If there’s one thing WOW stands out amongst all the other MMOs… it’s the diversity of playable races. I can’t think of any MMO worth talking about where you can literally play monster races. Every other MMO I’ve played it’s just humans with extra bits slapped on.

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Not to mention that a certain segment of the FFXIV playerbase ruined that race for people that legitimately enjoy playing as a beast race.