On Alliance Premades

Last night my Horde brothers and I were faced with yet another Alliance pre-made. You know: All 60 mounts, skip Galv, use pallies to pull out commanders, walk past all NPCs in Frostwolf Keep (Why do we even have those if they don’t do anything anyway?)

But our PUG group called it out. We worked together and we wiped their zerg several times. We turned their 7-minute “I want it now” game into a 45-minute inconvenience. Unfortunately, we did not win that round although we did progress northward on the map (Not by skipping content)

You know what? It felt good. Horde managed to work together and put up a decent fight against a bunch of players who want to skip content. We put a dent in the problematic “I want it now” mentality. They could have rushed through several rounds of Alterac Valley but were instead stuck inside a single round. I’d call that a win in my book.

Good work, my Horde brothers. Keep calling out pre-mades and we’ll do our best to fight them.


I love when people work together on the objectives and delay the alliance premades. Or, better, when we work together and win.

Unfortunately, I think that years and years of instant reward/no work in retail has favored the sort of player who wants everything handed to them with minimal effort. Thus, the fast games where Horde typically just takes bunkers and kills lieutenants for max honor while we lose to an Alliance mob.

Alterac Valley is such an epic game when done properly. I wish we could queue as groups for it! The best games ever were those that lasted for hours or even days, where the front moved up and down the map as we fought hard for every inch of ground.

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Sometimes the best victories don’t always result in a win.

Glad to hear the Horde is fighting the good fight!

I mean, this has absolutely nothing to do with Retail, and is just normal human response.

I don’t care about PvP in WoW. I don’t find it fun or enjoyable. It’s not balanced, and never will be.

But, if I want a ring that will end up being used until the end of Classic, or I want some legs that are actually decent, I need rep that is PvP only. So I have to venture into AV. The faster I can get the rep, the less time I will spend in that BG.

Believe me. If I could have access to those items with out ever spending a moment in a BG I would. But since I do, I want it done as fast and as easy as possible.

I love when matches last at LEAST the 30 mins of waiting the queue, the only reason I dread grinding my rep overall if everyone communicates the Ally Premades are puny.
For the Horde!

The alliance premades are getting owned more and more now. Out of the last 10 premades we went against, we ended up winning 5 of them. On the flip side, the alliance pug groups are gaining ground too which is a good thing. Keeps everyone on their toes.