Ominous Portents quest in draenor bugged

I’m having this issue too. I’m surprised they’ve known about this for nearly a month and still haven’t fixed it.

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Bringing more attention to this. Can’t progress. It’s been a problem for a while Blizz, is it really that hard to fix?

14 days since support said they would work on it and I still cant get the quest to work =(. Unable to progress through any more story as is here. Really stinks. By the time its fixed ill be leveled way past this zone. Should not take this long to fix a single button in a quest. I love you bliz plz fix!


Same here been trying to complete that quest for like 4 days now

15 days after a blue post investigating it and still nothing.

‘Quality Assurance’ indeed.

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Why don’t they just temp fix it so it auto completes that part. We are all in the same part, just accept quest, then it skips it to complete it. Or just remove it bypass it to next part of quest.


Still nothing

Yup Still bugged.

After all these years, maybe the All-Seeing Eye finally started to enjoy the Vial of Moon Water and Blizzard just can’t seem to figure out a way to get it to stop. I suggest they might have to retire The All-Seeing Eye and replace it with the Not-So-All-Seeing Eye which doesn’t like the Vial of Moon Water.

Crazy demons and their fetishes…


i just opened a ticket told them to auto complete it and they did

Thank you for this. It worked for me too! The GM told me that the developers are working on a fix and have given the “OK” to auto complete this quest.

It looks like the All-Seeing Eye still isn’t quite as All-Seeing as it thinks… muhahaha!

Sat there for like 15 minutes spamming the holy water and nothing. Definitely bugged

You mean like when new iPhones come out and the older ones don’t work as well?

I am also feeling this, can I quest elsewhere? Is there a fix time in sight?

24 days later… I’ve seen my grandma fix things faster than this and she’s dead.

I have the same problem here.
Just looked up right now because it is bugged out.

FYI, it’s still bugged. Was trying to do it just now and about six other people couldn’t complete it either. :frowning:

Still bugged. Yippie.

If you submit a ticket, a GM will give you a completion credit.

Just so you know, it is now April 2019 and the quest is still bugged. No excuse for it. They simply will not correct it. Not a priority since it will neither lose nor gain them revenue. Pathetic!

Just an FYI - this quest is still bugged after all this time. I have an alt trying to accomplish this questline and nothing is happening to the demon, hence the opportunity to use the scroll never comes into play. :frowning: