OMG, premades

So like many you joined the premade side because it’s a temporary solution to the broken system.

Like I said before I enjoy premades with my friends. I’m against people taking advantage of the broken que system. Making large scale premades.

You know blizzard added rated Bgs a long time ago as one possible solution to this issue. They did also allow people to que as two separate teams against each other. I do believe both systems are still in the game.

The thing is players don’t want to use them because it means putting two premades against each other. That’s too hard for most players. They want to face randoms for easy mode KOs hence why premades have been taken advantage of the broken Que system.


Queuing with friends makes BGs more enjoyable, now if I only had friends. Queuing with 39, well, I do feel sorry for some players who might not otherwise complete their daily.


No, they never put a stop to premades.

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The difference is you have another option to play with your friends, pug casuals have zero options to play without a premade ruining their fun.

The opportunities are there. You just don’t choose to take them. That’s not my fault.

Marked as spam.

I get premades suck to queue against. As someone who loves EBGs, it sucks when 5 of us queue into and ally 30 man premade. But what sucks even more is being solo in an all pug group against what you can be pretty sure is an all pug group and as soon as the loss starts 1/5th of your team leaves while another 1/2 start mocking each other and berating each other like a bunch of children. We don’t premade to stomp over the other team. We LOVE and get excited to see a list full of names we know on the other team as long as they are the names of people who actually do the objectives and don’t just attempt to farm you to 0. We don’t have gear requirements or experience requirements like high end arena teams. We just like to have friendly and accepted communication with each other and take the loss when it happens with at least a little grace. Most communities don’t require discord to make comms easier. We just enjoy playing the content we like without the toxicity from the other 99% of the WoW community that doesn’t do premades, and can’t stand the loss. I would thoroughly enjoy an option to do 40man premades against other 40mans but even then, the ones who want to be toxic will just sync solo q and it will be the exact same. Unless they decide to have no faction split and toss teams from one faction to the other they will always exist like they always have. Join one and see the difference.


There’s an option to do War Games. You could do premade raid vs. premade raid without having to play games with the random bg queue.

stop being a baby.


Which communities/guilds do “40 randoms in voice chat” ? I can think of maybe one possibility but they’re not “randoms.”

Also i just don’t get people who hate epic BG communities. You few folks don’t even know how they operate. I also have to question your sanity wanting to fully pug all the time.

No honor or conquest points awarded for those.

I pug usually these days outside of specific times and wooo boy does it make you want to drink yourself into a coma.

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We use disc, but we aren’t 40. Some nights we have two groups, sometimes four. Depends on the day and people’s work schedules as most of us are old farts.

If people truly wanted full premade vs. full premade AV, there’s an avenue to do that.

If they’d rather get honor/conquest and roflstomp pugs, I guess we have the current situation.


It’s quite understandable. Random games become one sided with 15+ from a community stacked on one side. Who would want to play against that when doing random queue?

Sync queue circumvents the 5m cap that is in place to make things more even (for random bgs) so obviously people queueing randoms will be irritated. I queued solo before joining the “old farts” in CC for a month and now I solo queue again sometimes. CC got crushed by enemy premades sometimes but for the most part it’s easy wins vs PuGs. They probably have a 80% - 85% winrate. One day I joined they had lost 5 in a row but that is an outlier.

I have some sympathy for the alliance that were getting stomped, because we’ve all been there, it doesn’t feel fair. Unless we collided with enemy premades or our PuGs were notably bad, the games were not at all competitive. I do enjoy winning and some of the close struggle games did make it feel worthwhile, but unfortunately, so many games are blowouts.

In the end, both sides do it and there is occasional premade vs premade, community vs community clashes. The PuGs get caught in the crossfire so I can’t blame them for their hate - it seems perfectly justified. Best way to avoid the premade communities is to queue on off-times IMO when it’s more likely to get truly random matchups.

Happens in most epic games either way. WG and Ashran get very snowbally after the initial engagement. Can take a 15 minute break or log onto another character instead of sitting through an unpleasant loss. WG offense can be especially demoralizing when your side has no chance at victory. Not everyone is willing to sit around for the loss and honor is not in short supply.

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No one queues just AV anymore. You’re thinking of a premade that doesn’t exist currently.

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Me and my team does. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

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I stand corrected. SPM also does but they only run once or twice a week. All the other premades I know of queue all epics.

Well it fits with their name. I thought it would be time consuming to specific queue but with many 5m premades that probably forces a pop sooner than average. CC only did random epics. A shame WG can’t be black-listed

That’s a pretty accurate description.

The current system uses no apparent matchmaking of healer-count and no way to spec-change to heals. That’s probably the biggest “broken system” in epics that dooms games before the gates open. I think Blizzard could fix that by allowing spec-change at the gate area at any time in the match.

The rest, from what I’ve seen, is a player problem. Not knowing what they’re doing, or not caring, and chat-battles. Random BGs are always going to be a self-centered game mode. Nobody owes anyone anything in there and everyone has a different reason for being there. And winning apparently isn’t always it. Premades always are there to win.

I’m always there to win and like having fun while doing it. Some premades are better at the fun part than others, avoiding both exploits and honor-farming. In fact I’d say most of them are straight fast-win farmers, not honor-farmers. Only a few are not.