Omg new cat mount omg

Least Europe gets to pay an extra 4-5 bucks for it. lol

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The price is a complete rip off, that’s too months wow sub, which is pretty much around 500k in gold going by wow tokens. That is insane


It… um… it looks like someone took a house cat and changed the size value. Don’t get me wrong, cats are cool… it just looks really wrong.


Game’s not fixed, OP.


wym women are fruit now game is very fixed

The paintings were not in bad taste.

If anything, most girl players liked seeing them whenever I was around them commenting near Dead Mines to see them.

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heres a skellington

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And yet there’s been a panda cub pet since Vanilla, even though there’s not a single Panda in the warcraft universe that isn’t sentient that we know of.

Or you know, the rooster mount or turtle mount from BC. Totally not cute.

Take it all blizzard i 100% stand by creative in-game items, bought or other wise.


It’s not Slime Saber.


Slime saber would have been a better buy tho for sure.

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It’’$ so $$$CUTE$$ ‘ewe’

We are such lemmings.

I cant deny some part of me is tempered. It so friggin cute!



Not sure what the heck you’re talking about. All big cats are just oversized house cats - or rather all house cats are just tiny big cats - and WoW has had cat mounts since the beginning.

It being a cat isn’t the problem with this mount. It’s a problem because it’s another cash shop mount while the game is in a huge slump.


I think the floating brain mount is creepy and imaginative whereas the giant flying kitten mount lacks anything ‘rule of cool’ about it. Personally, I feel like they are scraping the bottom of the creative bucket with this one.

People complain about horses but at least they play into the fantasy of being a knight or a paladin or a hunter and a lot of the later ones definitely have the ‘rule of cool’ thing going on.

This mount is just a mash of ideas (gorgeous saddle, yellowish glowing feet, blue glowing outline) attached to a pretty but mundane form.

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I don’t understand how they can’t see it when it’s in plain sight. This mount is an anomaly. Nothing about it says World of Warcraft or medieval fantasy. It’s eye candy for preteen girls. WoW was never meant to be this cute. Sure, there are cute things here and there, but never was it in plain sight like this. I can’t wait for people to stop using it in a week or so. In the meantime I’ll stay away from populated areas.


First miss I have seen by the art department but it is a doozy.

I have two preteen granddaughters and they have better taste than that mishmash.

It is over the top on ever level.

Me too.

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Don’t care. It’s a cat.

But it’s a cat.

It’s. A. Cat.


lol. I almost feel like upvoting you, but it would be wrong. Right?