Omega pvp gearing changes

Was talking about retail my dear Zugzug.

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I’m kind of baffled why they’re making any changes to arena whatsoever. And “improvements”. Ugh.

I don’t actually care about boosts, cosmetic cash shop, or any non-game system change at all, one way or the other. Even the arena stuff probably wasn’t going to affect me all that much because it’s likely I probably won’t play it anyway. I was thinking of trying it out this time around, but I could easily end up saying to myself, “nope, not worth it for me”, since I prefer BGs, by far.

This quote just screams “slippery slope” though. I prepaid gift cards in anticipation of getting to (re)play an xpac knowing what I was getting into without blizzard doing its flavour of the patch rebalancing and fotm BS they’re famous for to make people chase what kids call the meta these days.

Guess it’s truly authentic now. They start with one thing and start yanking on the rug. Wonder what else they’re going to decide to “improve” in the future.

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well then welcome aboard. Nice to see someone that quit retail that is willing to admit that the downfall of the current game can be something other than adding mounts and boosts.

I get what you’re saying but with blizzards track record in the pvp community having them budge at all is a massive improvement. I’m used to them making a terrible change and then not altering it at all.

So when they do walk back an extreme change a bit, I will praise them.

Might want to loosen up the tinfoil hat man, in its on pretty tight.

Be careful man. You’re going to get Alex Jones’d like I did if you call out their insanity.

i still do my transmog/mount runs
but that is basically it

Meh i only intended to have a pvp alt for casual fun. S3 would of been where I probably quit or went full try hard mode with it. Whether its s3 ratings or s4 doesn’t matter. Still kills all motivation to bother with an alt for pvp if I still have to raid to get weapons.

But this is better than the previous garbage they considered so that’s something. Doesn’t change anything for me but hopefully it helps others.

I agree with you about the Isle dailies . I am not sure if it was the best part of TBC, but it was definitely one of the best parts of TBC and of all expansions for that matter. I couldn’t imagine doing that zone on a PVE server. Would have been so boring. I am not a big world pvper. The suspense while questing there was awesome. one eye on the quest objective, the other looking around you for any sign of the opposite faction. You would see some doing quests and think, ok they are minding their own business. Then Bam, stun locked and dieing. lol

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