Older, Wiser Lady returning to the game and LF casual and social guild

Hi! I’m a 47-year-old woman looking to find a guild for social and casual play. In a previous life before kids (20 years ago), I was a progression raider, but these days, scheduling hours a week isn’t possible. However, I love grouping up, running dungeons and raids when I can. My main is an Alliance rogue, and currently on Azshara. LGBTQ+ is a plus to me, since I’m in that community, but not a requirement.

PS. Please excuse the fact that I’m currently only level 13. I’ve only been back to the game for a few days.

Hey there Gyllian, I am Grumpy, the guild master of a brand new guild on Area 52. We aim to be a casual guild with the goal of achieving AOTC during TWW so we look to be right up your alley! I will drop our forum post down below. I look forward to hearing from you!

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I’m going to make a character on Area 52, and I’ll whisper at you when I get out of the starting zone. Thanks!

Feel free to add me on Discord or Battle.net, too!

Discord: Grumpymerlin
Battle.net: Grumpymerlin#1837

I’ve sent a request on Battlenet. It’s from PlumRogue.