Old thread - please delete

bumps in the road

bumper cars

Glimpses of cheese

:eye: :lips: :eye:

Rune of Zeth?

:eye: :nose: :eye:
:point_right: :lips: :point_left:

Bumped for bumping, bumps

bumpp, bumppp, bumpppp.

crash asked me to do this

Who’s pug?

what is Pùg?

:wavy_dash: :brain: :wavy_dash:
:eye: :nose: :eye:
:point_right: :lips: :point_left:

bump, bump, bump.

bump bump, bump.

Where them DPS at :eyes: :eyes:

Bunch of fun- and epics.

Did we mention the epics?

4 day bump

Looking for a solid 2x Fury Warr, Mage and Warlock!

BWL clear time down to 75 minutes - come join the gang