We may be taking a trip to Elywnn next week, Alliance folks. If you’ve an interest in the arts, keep your eyes on the side-roads and you may happen across some entertainment!
Our short little show in Elwynn was quiet but fun and entertaining. We had a moment of misunderstanding when a warlock gate tossed our cast members into a guard, who didn’t seem to realize that just like the bad guy from Lethal Weapon 2, we had diplomatic immunity. …well okay, not diplomatic, but we’re just entertainers.
It was funny though because it happened twice. I laughed, Ji laughed, the guard laughed, one of us got our heads cut off, a good time was had by all.
(Don’t worry, we got better)
Hopefully we can do it again sometime! Our October events will be announced tomorrow evening, so keep an eye on the thread, folks! And yes, we are still recruiting.
Our next upcoming event is finally decided! Fitting that our first major event after our hiatus is a celebration of our first event ever! We hope you’ll all come out to see us at Hearthglen on the 16th! We’re pulling together to make this a fantastic evening for all!
“The TTT’s 7th Anniversary Show!”
Friday, October 16th
7:00 PM Server Time (9:00 central)
Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands (WM Off)
Both Factions
Details:The Tirisfal Theatre has reached its seventh year! Despite the ruts and butts, we’ve managed to stand the test of time, and are once more ready to perform for you to commemorate the third Friday of October, which has been the day of the yearly commemoration of our first ever major performance at Razor Hill!
Come enjoy this humble night of fun at Hearthglen, under the watchful eye of the Argent Crusade. Take part in our free-for-all Transmog Tournament, where the theme is ‘Free-For-All’, and we choose the best-dressed people for fantastic prizes! Come thirty minutes early for a parade to the stage location, be a part of the beauty in one of our famed Fireworks displays where you can join in the explosive fun and light the night with marvelous colors!
And we will also be unveiling our newest project, a short comedy-horror performance just in time for Hallow’s End. Perhaps a bit too early, some might say!
These and more await you, your friends, your family, your guildies, your pets, heck, your grandmother, even. All are welcome to attend our show, be you a humble gnome, a hulking tauren, Alliance, Horde, even from another server. Come help us commemorate seven fantastic years on October 16th!
We hope to see you there!
This event has been added to the “Upcoming Events” details of the main post.
(Sorry for the quality, was recording with 3 clients open so needless to say my GPU was chuuuuuuugging along! On that note, we’re in the market for a photographer/recorder/CAMERAMAN or woman, we’re not picky)
Another greatly successful evening! Our next appearance will be at the Stormwind University’s event next Friday!
Had the video uploaded to the archive channel we keep in the event of Youtube shenanigans, it’s been uploaded to the proper channel now. We’re in talks about getting some old shows recorded and properly placed upon our youtube channel, but a lot of amazing ideas are being thrown around, and we’d really like more brains to work on it.
You know, cuz zombies. They get hungry, too.
…in other words, we are still recruiting. ACTUALLY, this is a good time to say that we’re especially in the market right now for someone with a creative eye for filming and taking photographs of events. We love looking back at the events we throw for everyone, but the fact is that our time is constantly pressed when we’re busy trying to get everyone seated, pass out items for the audience interaction portions like the fireworks and such, and of course performing and waiting for our cues.
Having a dedicated camera person would be a huge asset to the group, so if your character is an aspiring photographer, this is your chance! Otherwise I may have to do crappy recordings while I run multiple clients again and that would suck.
Did anyone from the forums come out to see us at Stormwind University’s event the other night? We had a lot of fun brushing off Wrap of the Lunch King and performing it. It’s been years since we last did that one! Sorry about the mishaps, while trying to prep characters for the show, we had a few mishaps.
We have one private performance this week, but I’m running the idea of performing our new play publically before Hallow’s End is over. All in all, this has been an active month, befitting of our return. I’ll be overhauling our media next month to organize it better and set it up for more frequent updates and use - I’m a bit OCD anymore with this sort of thing, so because of this, we won’t have a lot planned as far as events in November, but stay tuned to see what we have up our sleeves for the holidays.
We just had the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe perform for our Hallows End Haunted party, and I cannot believe how talented they are! Their creativity is just off the charts! They chose to perform their play “Landowners: When a landlord of Tirisfal is asked a simple question by his peer, he hardly expects…” and our guild was both in game, and in voice chat over discord, blown AWAY. We laughed and soundly appreciated what Atos and his crew performed.
Solid 15/10, would quite soundly recommend to anyone looking for an awesome troupe for any event. <3
We were happy to perform for your event! <3 And we were both glad (and relieved) you enjoyed our offering as well! That was a brand new play we’ve never premiered to anyone till tonight, and to hear it so well received makes me overjoyed!
Giving this post a boost!
We’ll be doing a street performance in about 55 minutes over by the Merchant’s Bank in Northrend Dal! Come on by to see the public premiere of Landowners, the play nobody expects!
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.”
-- William Shakespeare
“Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.”
-- Meryl Streep
“I ended up doing a local AmDram musical when I was nine or so. We had to sing and dance and act. It was probably terrible, but I loved it.”
-- Gemma Chan
We are STILL recruiting, folks! Shadowlands launch has us in a bit of a lul because everyone is enjoying the HECK out of the new content, but with our involvement with the Tournament of the Wyrm coming up this January, we are more in need than ever of good stage hands and performers!
(More Alliance friends would be nice.)
EDIT: Aaaand I realized I bumped the old recruitment thread from wayyyyy back when. Lemme fix this.