Old ranged survival through DF talents

ranged gets more uptime than melee, and has more freedom to deal with some mechanics. so, melee deals more dmg.

There’s always a compromise, we can’t have everything; if we could, there would be no point to talent choices at all. Picking everything is not a choice.

Oh of course, but I really just want to stick it up melee survival apologists who ‘rather the playstyle’. Because you know if a ranged raptor strike was an option, the idiots would be crawling back to playing ranged.

lmao what are these builds? kill command MM = ranged sv??

ranged sv is dead dude. they didn’t even bring back serpent spread aoe or black arrow. most ranged SV will get is the amazing 3 point talent that gives you 3 more yards of melee.


Gotta disagree. Most of my chars are melee. I’ve played the War, Rog, and Pal since vanilla. Melee has insane uptime.

Most fights stand in the crowd, where all the healers drop their ae heals, and mash your rotation. If you have to move for something you usually don’t leave melee range and your rotation is 100% mobile.

Occasionally you have to run out and use your zoom button to run back in but it’s minor.

Ranged on to other hand has to constantly move out of the bad while dealing with cast times. Waaay more lost. Also have to do pillar hide mechanics just like melee.

Even your own self healing is huge compared to the range guys when you’re melee, ironically unless that melee is ‘survival’.

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OTHER ranged have their uptime reduced by cast times. Hunter with only instant casts or casts on the move does not. That’s the point.

Yeah, that should definitely change. IMO, survival should have more… survival. Spirit Bond for survival, please!!!

I think that also is antiquated. Way back when, most melee mobility kind of stank. It made sense to balance ranged by needing to stand still to do things.

Different brands of zoom-zoom are everywhere in the melee world now. Short cooldowns, multiple options per class. Melee mobility is insane. Heck, when I first started my Rogue, going stealth meant slowing to a crawl, now it kicks in a turbo.

Yeah, I definitely agree that range needs to feel less like turrets, except warlock because that’s kind of the fantasy. But until all other casters get some sort of freedom, like in MoP, then a completely free of movement spec like old Survival (or modern BM) would need a dps nerf to compensate.

Flayed shot with the covenant legendary is the closest to black arrow, a dot that gives a proc to a free spell that causes instant damage and dot damage.

Rogue still plays the same after the rename. The only difference is pistol shot and the replacement of eviscerate with between the eyes.

Destro plays roughly the same with the difference of shard management and some added abilities.
I’d know, I’ve played a rogue since vanilla, and messed with my warlock off and on for years.
My hunter has been around since BC launch.

They didn’t lose the core of their specs as they perform pretty much the same.

What happened with survival is completely different and not even relatable.

It’s like turning arms or fury into a caster spec.


why not just give bm/mm access to old ranged survival abilities

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BM / MM already have a lot of the old Survival abilities except Cobra shot and Black arrow (but they have Wailing arrow). But, yeah, I’d be down for that too.

I wish they would add black arrow back in the main tree. For MM it could proc free aimed shot, for BM free kill commands, and for survival wildfire bomb.


The core of RSV was Explosive Shot with Lock and Load. Not the current Explosive Shot, the old version.
Once again, a comparison:
Old Explosive Shot vs. New Explosive Shot:
Core spender vs. talented nuke
Single target vs. AoE
Short CD vs. long CD.
Instant damage, intense micro-DoT vs. delayed singular blast.
Benefits from Lock and Load vs not.

Make a new ability, call it Incendiary Shot, replaces Aimed Shot, behaves exactly like old Explosive Shot. That would be the minimum requirement to replicate the old RSV rotation.

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Quoting myself from another thread :


yes, the functionality has greatly changed. It’s practically a different skill in everything but name, but it’s technically still there.

Great suggestions. I’d love that. It should make RSV enthusiasts very happy.

The issue with that, while a nice idea, lies with Blizz. They’ll take that as remove the entire MM tree and replace it with ranged survival. Then we’re back to square one.

I’d rather see a 4th spec that way things stay intact for everyone.


I don’t expect Blizz to either return ranged survival, or make melee survival players happy with things going forward. I fully expect Hunter survival spec to move forward as a nobody wins thing. A pity and a waste.

Well, talking gameplay and mechanics…

  • Serpent Sting is here, yes.
  • Wyvern Sting, while it was indeed a SV ability, it had nothing to do with the core gameplay of the spec.
  • Cobra Shot, sure, though with none of the interactions it had for SV.
  • Wailing Arrow, isn’t even close to how Black Arrow was designed to work with the spec.
  • Multi-Shot has always been a class-wide ability. The thing about SV was how it interacted with the ability.
  • A Murder of Crows has nothing to do with SV. Never have.
  • Intimidation, same thing. Nothing that ties to the theme of RSV.
  • Glaive Toss was added in MoP as a class-wide talent. Nothing particularly synonymous with what RSV did.
  • Camouflage was also added as a class-wide ability. Again, nothing to do with the core gameplay that people are asking for.


Looking at the class tree, it would be enough to move Serpent Sting up to take the position where Concussive Shot is currently placed, and have Concussive Shot moved straight down 1 row. Serpent Sting would then be the starter talent that’s given for free whenever you choose to play this 4th spec. Explosive Shot should be removed from the class tree and the choice node for Viper’s Venom/Latent Posion moved in to take its place, while adding a new passive talent above that which provides a boost to non-physical damage.

As for the actual specialization, to preserve the core gameplay of old RSV, while still adding plenty of new things to further define/build on what its intended theme is, like the image below(see the linked post for more info).