Old Raider looking for a forever home

Hello, Old MC raider looking for a home, I have been traveling for so long and cant seem to find a guild that is progressing with being social. That doesn’t log off as soon as the raid is over. I have seen so many guilds just fall apart and I’m getting tired looking. I enjoy Mythic raiding and running keys. I’m looking for a guild that enjoys actually talking with each other and even playing other games outside of wow (shocked). I have over 1000 days /played.

I can raid Tuesday - Saturday 7pm est to midnight est.

Im a Destro Lock ilvl 232 that is 10/10 N and 5/10 Heroic.

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Egomaniacs is looking for people ready to raid Heroic and do M+ content. Our members have heroic and mythic experience and we’re looking for a few more to fill out our progression team!

10/10 Normal Sanctum of Domination
4/10 heroic Sanctum of Domination

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday 8pm EST - 11pm EST
Thursday 8pm EST - 11pm EST

You can contact me in game or on here. My battle.net is Killermusic#1245

Hey Chronodemon,

If Sundays aren’t a deal breaker, Here We Go Again might be your new permanent home! We are 10/10N, 8/10H SoD, finishing 8/10M in CN last tier. We raid Tuesday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Super funny and laid back guild, who enjoy heroic and mythic progression. We constantly have people in discord (before & after raid!) as well as online in game.

Please feel free to reach out on discord to our RL joyner#1046 (bnet: joyner#11648) or our other officers Curves#5760 and Holypower#6874


Scars (9/10H) on Mal’Ganis would love to have you. We are a heroic focused, early mythic raiding guild that raids Tue/Thurs 8-11pm CST. We are in need of a couple DPS to start mythic raiding on Tuesday.

Message Jonnus#1529 for more info.

Hey there,

Really casual guild with AOTC and mythic+ focus. 4/10 H SOD. We only raid 4 hrs a week. W/Th 6-8 pm(pst). More than welcome to join us next week to see if we’re a good fit.


We have a very tight knit guild that have mostly played together for a year but we consider the guild our forever home. We do progression, we bs, and a few of us play other games together outside of WoW. We raid Tues/Thurs/Fri 8pm EST to 11pm EST and our more casual group is sat/mon 8pm est-11pm est. Ratha#0856 is my discord if youd like to chat

Hi Chrono,

MGB (6/10H) is bolstering our progression raiding team and welcoming new trials. We’ll be starting at Heroic Guardian Friday at 8:30 EDT. Message me if you’re interested in joining us.

We are looking for any strong DPS players but especially a Death Knight, Druid, Priest, or Warrior. We are also accepting healers and tanks who are willing to flex DPS when needed.

We are a mature guild and our raiding goals are to grow our team, get AoTC as soon as possible, and take down all the Mythic bosses we can. We foster learning and improvement but we will also bench players when we need better performance in the moment to kill a boss. Off-meta specs and covenants are welcome if you can play them well.

We also have a large social community and do PvP and M+ if raiding isn’t your thing.

Discord: Deadlift#4338
BTag: Deadlift#1353

Hey Chronodemon,

A lot of what you wrote resonates well with us. Our team has been raiding together for around a decade, and we’re pretty social and do other games not just wow. That’s why we do AOTC and easier mythics rather than CE push. We like to mix it up with PUBG and other games. A lot of us have been to blizzcon multiple times over the years as well. About 14 of us went to the last in person Blizzcon.

Guild: Hive on Hyjal/US
Team: Buzz
Raid Times: Tue/Thu 8:30-11:30 EST (5:30-8:30 PST)
Progression: 7/10H 1/10M SoD (Last: 5/10M CN)

Buzz is an Ahead-of-the-Curve focused team which emphasizes community and enjoyment while getting bosses down. We raid 2 nights a week, the expectation is that you’re able to have fun but when it’s time to focus up you can play your class at a solid level. We generally get AOTC well before the end of a tier, so once we farm the heck out of it and easier mythic bosses, we also take a bit of a break before the next tier to come back refreshed!

More detailed background can be found on our wowprogress page.

For more info, DM me or friend me on discord: dysonfm#6085 (or Bnet: dyson#1418)

Majority of the guild has been together since Vanilla. We just xferred back to Horde side for this tier. Check us out.

Guild & Server: :horde: US-Gorefiend
Raid Times/Days: Tues/Wed 8pm-11pm EST
Current Progression: 8/10M CN, 10/10N SoD, 9/10H SoD, 1/10 M SoD
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Culo#4115
Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/us/gorefiend/Ram%20Ranch%20Cowboys
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/gorefiend/Ram+Ranch+Cowboys
Needs: Anything really. We have players with multi classes/specs so we can adjust according to any incoming players.

Any chance you can go an hour later? We’re a semi-casual adult only (21+, avg ages 30’s-40’s) guild on Area 52 that raids Tues/Thurs 10pm-1am EST. We are currently 5/10H, 10/10N and outside of raids our members do actually log on and do stuff together, to include keys, alts, and even just hanging out in discord. I’ll leave a link to our spam below and if you’d like to chat, you can add me in game at Rawrabear#1450.

Guild & Server: Shenaniganz Zul’jin - Horde

Raid Times/Days: Tues/Weds 7PM to 10PM EST plus optional Monday

Current Progression: 8/10H 1/10M SOD


-Recruiting officer-
Discord- @Conceald#0535
Bnet- Conceald#11955
-Guild Leader-
Discord- @HellfirePain#8117
Bnet- HellfirePain#1736

-Good attendance.
-Have knowledge of your class.
-Positive attitude.
-Desire to progress into mythic.
-Team player

Immediate Needs:
-Demon hunter(Havoc)
All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class/spec

Other needs
-Key pushers
-Flex raiders

Hey there bud,

Just gonna make it simple here. We’re 4/10 H SOD on Hyjal -uS. We raid w/th 6-8 pm pst. Chill fun group. Welcome to come raid with us next week to see if we’re a good fit for you. Let me know.

Battle tag


Thank you for all the replies , i have found a new home .

if CE is your venture, please check us out and PM me on discord: cherie#5217

In need of a dps class for our main raid team for mythic raiding. open raid is on tuesdays 9p.m- 12.am. and actual raid in on thur/sun 9p.m- 12.am. If you are just looking for a chilled guild that spams M+ or some pvp that is fine as well. shoot me a message I am always on WOW contact me @ pimpdaddy#1994 or Pîmppap. hope you find the home that you ar elooking for