Old models in retail please

Bro I’ve been saying this since the “use old models” option broke back in WoD. I hate the new models.


Food/Elixir/Toy: Use old model for your race, 1hr duration 10m CD

rides by on tricycle and honks horn
No changes
honks horn and rides away


Funny how all these people claim its not possible, but using some against the terms of use programs will allow you to change to them with no issues whatsoever.

So it is possible, but Blizzard doesn’t want to because of work involved. They don’t see a benifit to them, even when quite a few of us prefer the old animations and models.

I still hate the run animations on pretty much every new model updated character.

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Because they change both the models AND animations. You simply cannot use the new models with the old anims, the rigging does not allow it.

And the only time those issues come up is when you’re doing stupid stuff like holding your artifact into the air, or channeling your necklace.

Its literally as minimal as armor clipping, but thats a huge issue nowadays apparently.

I would rather cast Hand of Guldan the same as Shadowbolt (another limitation) than use the current models. Melee attacks work fine with the old models too. They just don’t have as much diversity, which is fine because it adds race diversity when you use the old ones.

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True you can use toys,and few other stuffs to get old models casting and running animations and it works fine

The point is, I would give up issues with animations if it meant I could have my old undead walk/attack animations.

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Not happening, i wish i could use the old Forsaken models so badly.

Not to mention old Night elves looked better.

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The new animations are what is incompatible.

I presume you’d be okay if they changed the graphics of the entire game to look like Fortnite, right?

Don’t be a hipster, look towards the future

I don’t need stumps for arms.


Why? Our new models are so pretty. Look into my soulful eyes and tell me that my old model was superior.

walks towards you with the horrible crooked stiff new model undead run animation


My new dangly dongue is pretty legit though.

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I really wish we had the option for new models in Classic. I hate hate Human animations.

I prefer the old female NE models to the new ones. The older model had a feral, aloof quality to her features. This new one is too bouncy Barbie for me.

Also, the new female Draenei needs a more feminine neck. The current version reminds me of a buffed out female body builder. Normally, I’m not opposed to bodybuilders of either gender, but it doesn’t match the Draenei model.

Blizzard stopped supporting old models, as every new animation or customization option would need to be also added to them. No way they’ll return old models, especially now that improved customization is being added.

No, move on, or if youre that stingy just stay on classic. That’s why it exists.

not only that but the older models just t pose for some attack animations

they should just overwrite the new ones with old ones

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