Old gamers only 25+

I’m positive that I’m thrilled to be nothing like him - so there’s that.


Come back here in a few years and tell us how that worked out for ya, bud.

Even if you manage to reel some highly imperceptive woman in, your relationship will collapse when you realize that she’s not Tifa.

I like how your argument is based on a sarcastic joke I made in the original post. It’s satire, relax. Cloud is impossibly good looking, if cloud looked like Kefka/a moogle he would be incel.

Some of these dudes had potential. My old manager used to be addicted to WoW as a teen. He was very good looking.

That was also a joke.

My argument is based on the fact that you’re a misogynist sad sack.


He doesn’t even realize he is one. Sad!

A hate laden emotional response.

Fits with your hate laden emotional thread.


Nope, an evidence-laden post.

Refer to

for a collection of said evidence.

You are objectively a misogynist. There is no argument against this.

edit: For some extra fun perspective, I never work out or eat right and am relatively overweight and balding, and I have a beautiful wife who is way out of my league. Wanna know why? Because I’m funny and I care about her as a human being.


I think Blizzard actively removing organic gameplay has given you jaded view of other games. Even in dank souls, there’s organic gameplay in terms of solutions to an encounter or really any bit of content in those games that aren’t outright breaking the game. Take the dragon bridge in DS3, there’s a dev intended way for the player to deal with that and progress forward, but you can also pick a way to kill the dragons and just waltz across the bridge. You could say that the devs are allowing that other option to exist, and you’d be correct. The point of organic gameplay is that multiple solutions exist for every obstacle, and the player is free to pick their path forward. All the devs have really scripted is that there’s a path forward at all.

WoW has become the complete opposite of this design philosophy. There isn’t a single moment of a players daily activities that hasn’t been strictly scripted by the devs; this is most commonly done by baking time gates into content to limit how much a player can do any single activity within the game, be it leveling crafting professions or gathering rep. Of course, there’s the classic down time for raids and heroics, but with down time being extended to absolutely everything else that there is to do in WoW it creates a situation where players feel like they’re not allowed to play for more a couple of hours per day per character. It’s terrible. Playing bfa reminds me of playing old facebook games where you were limited by an energy meter and eventually you run out and have to come back tomorrow to keep progressing. It’s an approach that’s antithetical to the genre.

To top it all off, bfa is designed to eliminate alts. You would think that because everything is so severely timegated, then players will create alts to have something to do. Putting aside the tedium of doing the exact same daily chores list every day multiple times, the azerite and essence features stand in the way of progressing on an alt. Essences are locked behind time gated content, and leveling azerite to use your 3 essences is a massive chore that’s also somewhat bogged down by time gates to make reasonable progress. Gone are the days of real grinding to bring in a great equalizer of forced down time on character progression.

tl;dr: bfa is about players trying to keep up with what blizzard wants them to do instead of doing what they’d like to do.


Thanks the thing about you incel black pill types… it’s a badge of honor.


I hadn’t heard this term before so I had to go look it up.

We need a new plague.

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Yep. Most of the mass shooters fall under that category.

There is also a nice Venn Diagram with shooters/black pillers/Trump voters that is slowly becoming a circle.

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Yeah, don’t do that.

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Allow me to roll my eyes through the back of my head while you conflate new wave emos with mass shooters, and then conflate both of those with Trump voters, as if there’s a singular type of person who would vote for Trump.


I had to look of the black pill definition and it sounds exactly like everything the OP has been saying!

Only a minority are neurotic and violent. The other minority acknowledges that they have to improve. I’m looking towards building a home gym. Going to buy a treadmill too since I’m self conscious at the gym.

Let me put this in terms of Fire Emblem:

“Your stats are great! But your personality sucks.”


I don’t think there is reason to call names or anything. I wanted to type earlier that maybe approaching women with mindset of “they only want good looking or rich men” could be why you have met so many spoiled women in your past. You want to offer a person what you believe is the things they desire but if it really is just good looks or spoiling a woman then that might attract the wrong person.

There is a lot of beauty in other aspects of you and others beyond physical and if you wish to find a nice relationship with another person then it will have to be built upon some attraction yes and also attraction to each-others personalities, and their strengths and weaknesses. If not then when problems arise, strain will be too much to get through if nothing there to keep you together.

“ewww he has a pimple I can’t be seen around him” -no matter how beautiful a woman is that acts like that is not worth investing your heart into anyways. Open yourself to people and find that somebody maybe thinks like you do or maybe even not agree and teach you something new! Finding a person that you care about enough to compromise with when there are differences -and vice versa - is big.

This is all if you wish to find a relationship and not just somebody to “be” with though. It depends on what you want too. And it’s just my take on it also lol. Take care.


25 is considered old?


I hope not! :sob:

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