Old animations


I wanted to express interest in bringing back the old animations for players that have chosen to use old models and to support the other folks requesting it as well.

I totally understand that the work that would go into supporting the old animations with new gear, etc. to alleviate clipping and other odd errors would most likely not be worth the time investment for most development teams. My suggestion then is to allow players to enable old animations with a toggle after enabling old models and then simply put a message that states “by enabling old animations, we make no guarantees on gear animations or newer game interactions behaving visually appropriately – and we have no plans on updating / fixing this”

Personal opinion Wall of Text:
I would genuinely play the game so much more if I had the old animations back. Not to knock the hard work that clearly went into the new animations and models… but I find that they seem overly-animated and bouncy, which I just don’t think looks or feels good. And from a character-fantasy standpoint I suppose it takes me out of the game as well. I find myself logging off because my animations just feel silly whenever I try to level or play in a situation that isn’t completely cultivated by friends asking me to play.

I’m not sure if they could just bring them over from classic wow to retail if it would save time, but I would seriously love that.


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The old casting animations were unique to each race and was much better than the one we have now that everyone shares. I really hate it tbh.


I missed the human falling animation.

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I think night elves had a kamehameha and some weird flippity wrist thing.

Was weird.

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As someone who’s not a fan of the Pandaren casting animation, I’m rather happy with the new animations.


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I think old Shadow Bolt had much more gravitas. A deadly ball of darkness.

Also Divine Storm from Wrath.

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