Ok WoW team... you're clearly doing this on purpose (Baine)

Donkey wasn’t paying attention. It was a pretty nice boulder.

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The good news is Blizzard apparently forgot it already since we still get dominated by the Jailer. :rofl:

Unfortunately the hopes for an “it was only a dream” retcon has already gone in the dumpster since we went back to the living world and used Maldraxxus stuff to clean Undercity.

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True… o well…

If I had to make a reference to Baine in any cenimatic portrayal… It would be that cliché sight-gag B-roll in those Western films when a townie steps in fresh manure while walking down the street.


he’s standing with the people he considers friends.

Why would he stand next to the person that kidnapped him?

Why do you guys want a horse?


I would gladly accept Tauren into the alliance, that’s a great idea!

No, no that’s not what what was said. You can have Baine and that’s it.

Well, after all the crap Sylvanus did, I can’t imagine him really wanting to be in her group.

I’m sure Thralls just there out of pity

Okay but a lot of Tauren will probably join with him, so we can share the Tauren. Good proposal!

Anduin wants to sit next to Sylvanas on the bus back home.



How dare you.

Ooo… im sorry, done deal. Best I can do is offer you mechagnomes

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Sweet, we could use some projectiles for our trebuchets.

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/shakes hands

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The Super Straight community has already claimed Andiun. He likes Draenei Women.

How does one become super straight? Train in high gravity?


Yes, and thou must turn away women of weak character.

Wrong. You must protect all women… how super straight are you?!