Ok silly question..serious replies only j/k

Careful, he a gentleman, but he will greet and he will bite.

Sky golem is one of the best, because you don’t get dismounted when you’re collecting materials.

I like red cloud too, or other smaller ones like shadow barb.

Bee is really huge, in third person, which is why I’ll use barb instead.

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That is actually what I am farming atm…hunting jellies for the Bee :smiley:

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Yah they are going around 375 I believe, but I like the farming part but thanks!

side note…love your name!

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Anything small-ish. I PREFER to use my guldan infernal mount, but it doesn’t fit in any doorways (or even on our own boat), so it gets relegated to some m+ dungeons.

I usually just use the pre-order worm now because it isn’t a complete eyesore like a wyvern and doesn’t have size issues.