Oh look, at 5th helmet

I’m not a helmet collector


5-helmets now. Last week it was the same bow, the week earlier the same trinket, the week earlier the same shoulders. I have plenty of gear that I can work toward upgrading but there’s no system anymore to work towards goals and character development. Just this random loot system. The worst system in this game. Bring back PVP vendors and stop allowing us the opportunity to earn gear every week that we don’t need for 500 Conquest points.


No sign of vendors returning but there are plans to make weekly chests less disappointing in the coming expansion.

How do you make RNG “Less disappointing “ without removing the RNG part?

I swear, these devs are so freaking disconnected it’s almost laughable


I got the same mail hands and a different mail hands over and over again most of the time, I even have their names memorized, linked pummeler gauntlets and water shapers.

I am waiting to find out if vendors are returning. If not ill just not buy Shadowlands. I am just done with it. The devs no longer listen to the player base. Its take a Ho SSSsssTT moment like they had with the Diablo Immortal for them to wake up.

This is extra gear. Why do you think you are entitled to something new?

I like how the conq rewards for azerite peices has duplicates in the choose a reward section.

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I’ve been waiting since bfa release for any mythic chest weapon on my monk.

Keep RNG to class design only and not gearing.

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There’s talk of the chest presenting multiple rewards that you can select one from.

That’s removing the rng tho, is it not?

Sure? I don’t remember disputing that. Though it’s more like mitigating it than removing it since it isn’t an entire vendor system in which you can choose any piece you want. This will just offer you more agency than we currently have.

It will still be rng on what pieces show up though. You may get pieces with terrible stats or you can get bis stats. It’s just that instead of only 1 piece there will be 5 so it lessens the chance of a crap chest. Crap weekly chests make your previous week feel wasted sometimes.

It’s the sh*ts for PvE too man, nobody likes it. It’s a thing they thought of in Legion and ran with for BfA.

I’m a huge fan of currency for gear systems. They brought it in a tough with Titan Residium on the PvE side, but it’s a really crappy system. I quite enjoyed how things were in Cata… both PvE and PvP gear was earned through currency awarded through doing the things you wanted to do. On PvE you still got random drops, but you’d get enough currency that you’d be able to buy 1-2 pieces of gear you actually wanted.

I do kinda like that there’s no difference between PvE and PvP gear, you just wear whatever and away you go, but I think they really need to bring back getting a currency that you can spend on the gear you want. They just need to balance the rates so that time spent on either side of the game yields roughly the same amounts for similar difficulties of experience.

Just give us back vendors already!!!

You get to choose the name of your piece. :crazy_face: