Officially completed over 100 Jed kills - without seeing a single Briarwood Reed

I got my HoJ on my 3rd kill of Angerforge.

I’m approaching 70+ runs with my Rogue buddy to get his. So sad.

Around 105 Arena runs or so for Ban’Thok Sash… it did drop within that however I lost rolls every single time it did. Feelz bad when you lose roll to druid healer for it.

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That’s long than the game has been out. Nice try though.

I’ve been doing probably 8-15 jed runs a week depending on how much time I have.

This week I managed to get a ToEP in MC so thank god I never have to do another one of those runs again.

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Cleared LBRS 22 times on my Mage as of last night.

Lost every single roll for Hands of Power, Stormshroud Leggings, and all the Gemstones for the UBRS key.

i dont have any vanilla rng horror stories or classic either but i do have one for an item that drops in heroic auchenai crypts in outlands. it was the scintillating headdress of second sight (a recolor of the halo of transcendence from vanilla). i had run it every day on multiple characters. at the time, i determined i had a 1 in 65 chance of it dropping, so surely i’d get it by run 65. nope. i ended up with every item on his loot table, even items with an even lower drop chance, several times. eventually, i contacted a gm who said, sorry, rng

finally several months later, it dropped. i lost track of how many runs it took after the 65th.

(15 x 52) - 24 = 756.

Guildmate (and partially me cause I’m healing him) is over 450+ runs for SGC.

We’ve seen the orc at least 75 times. He hasn’t dropped it.

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I feel your pain man. Were going 16 weeks straight without a single Eye of Divinity. Apparently it’s a 50% drop rate too lol


Damn, I wish this was reddit.

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Finkles dagger has never dropped for me, I run that instance all the friggen time, for guild runs to help with attunements, for getting black dragon scales (best place to get them), I have ran it so much in fact, I barely pay attention to whats going on when moving since its all auto pilot almost. and all I want is that dang dagger.

Seen it and got it first Jed kill, then the other couple of times that tiera dropped. On the other hand I’ve killed anger like 50+ times and never seen hoj drop. Also with that mage talking about that sash first time I did arena farm and the ogre spawned the sash dropped and I even was using that for heal power.

Another thing I never seen dropped either was the ring from Mara princess I’ve killed her only like 15+ times was mainly going after her legs at that time, was like my last kill when I finally won the roll.

you should believe - rng is a fickle mistress not to be trifled with

i’ve seen 6 reeds in 30 runs - i’ve lost them all, but it’s ok. the dire maul trinket is good enough.

helping friends:
107 angerforge runs yielded 4 hoj’s
194 arena runs, no sgc - and my group of friends has 2 that want it.

i’ve seen them drop once in about 25 runs, i didn’t roll cause DM was already out and i got the healing gloves from there. had a happy pug mage.

6 reeds in 30 runs isn’t particularly unlikely. The drop rate is supposed to be about 30%

4 HOJ out of 107 angerforge runs isn’t unexpected either. The drop rate is around 5%.

194 arena runs translates to around 19 Gorosh the Dervish. He drops SGC around 7% of the time, so 19 kills with no SGC isn’t unlikely.

Correct. I’m just saying, the drop rate % has matched what i’ve seen basically outside the SGC.

in the 194 runs, we’ve seen 4 Goroshes. 3 gloves, 1 pants.

I would have expected more Goroshes (supposedly you get him 10% of the time), but it’s a pretty small sample so IDK.

I honestly don’t mind it. It gives us something to do every day. it gets a little old, but, it’s still a goal for the group i run with. keeps me entertained.

on a side note, i forgot to mention. I had some baller rng getting the deathbone for my offset.

1st scholo run - chest, boots, legs
2nd scholo run - gloves
3rd scholo run - belt

only took 3 runs to get the whole set.

also, i’ve seen 3 wands, 2 tombstone chests, and 3 robe of the void patterns in 25 scholo’s.

scholo has been the best rng i’ve ever seen outside the time i got 2 boe epics back to back at lvl 45. boots of avoidance on a yeti, then next yeti dropped a nightblade in feralas

currently on some fairly bad rng for arcane crystals. I’m at 302 ore mined with 0 crystals found.

Or you suck at math and probability. Every single drop is in a universe independent of any other past or future drop. This means it is entirely possible for someone to never see it in a thousand runs. Just because it is a 33% chance doesn’t mean it eventually is “due” to happen.

This is the exact same reason gamblers go broke. The mistaken belief that an outcome is due to occur due to probability. It is entirely possible to have 20 coin flip heads up hands in Texas Holdem and lose every single one of them. Just like it is entirely possible to lose a dozen times in a row in blackjack with 20 and the dealer showing a 6. It doesn’t always happen, but it can and absolutely has in my experience. You aren’t guaranteed an eventual outcome based on percentage of success ever.