Official raid tier list for each spec is out

Nice to see that there is no class bottom with only one dps spec. Otherwise there would be the need of an retri like rework.

Marks Hunter A tier, SPriest, Ret and DH B tier. Im ok with this.

Wowhead is great for anything but knowing what classes are good.

Hell, id take icy veins with a grain of salt too with how bad some of their guides tend to be.


How is that ā€œofficialā€?


NeRf ReT pAlaDiN

And yet, AOTC and 2/8M Guilds will read this thing like itā€™s the Bible of raid design.

ā€œYou canā€™t play Sub, itā€™s TERRIBLEā€

ā€¦Despite the fact that Sin will likely only pull significantly ahead on the final few bosses in Mythic difficulty.

Here I was, wanting to be an affliction lock

Yet here I am, going Demo I guess lol

If that. Last sims I checked sin was the lowest ST of all rogue specs. Going off the rogue discords it appears to be in a really bad spot, which kind of shocked me as to why heā€™d put it in A tier.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, they also put Sin above Sub for Mythic+ last season! The people over at Wowhead arenā€™t the brightest bulbs in the pack!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Ah, Mages and Warlocks back on top. Not surprised. Thats how it is 95% of the time anyway.

Blood DK A Tier:
