Oceanic WoW Classic Realms

Full thread here:


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The Oceanic stress test realm has the clock set incorrectly (currently showing 9:15 PM). Hopefully just an oversight…

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Where is the oceanic pvp realm? Or will I have to play on a US server for one?

Try these instead:

  • Swamp of Sorrows
  • Blaumeux
  • Barov
  • Stalagg

Cool, you good?

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If there are any players interested in joining an Oceanic LGBTQI guild then come join us here:

This was all the news I needed to hear.
Count. Me. In!

Need to add one more PvP server so we can play alliance AND horde… sucks that we would have to delete one faction toons to be able to play on the other. Please add one more oceanic PvP server

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So we get 2 realms 1 pvp 1 normal for the whole of oceanic area aus/nz and asia things are gonna get crowded i think :smiley:

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Crowded? I like it!

Have a look at what countries actually fit in Oceania (Singapore is not one of them)

What relevance does ones preferences out of game have to do with anything in game? Sounds like you are trying to exclude people based on something which has nothing to do with their preferred faction? That’s not very nice.

I agree with your question, but I don’t think anyone is being excluded when it says “…guild that is open to all players.”

Why in the name of all that’s holy are we dropped TWO basic servers and expected to love it? Where’s my rp server? We don’t have one on live either. Explain

I imagine the explanation is they don’t think there is a population to sustain extra niche servers.

pvp is a niche

Err… no. Pvp is as mainstream as it gets.

That’s why war mode is such a stark and oft-cited success today. I could sit here all day and argue the lack of virtues for a garbage sub-activity, and I’d like to.But I’ve got bigger things to complain about

Yeah, it’s not like there are more PvP servers launching for classic than there are PvE.

It’s not like Fortnite, PUBG, DOTA, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Apex Legends, Counter Strike… etc… are the most popular games and that they are only played for PvP.

Its not like 3 of the 5 Classic NA PVP servers are currently full, while only 1 of 4 NA PVE servers are currently full.

Don’t forget according to recent polls, 85%+ of responders are rolling on PvP servers.