Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

  1. PVP queue times are based on faction balance and percentages not sheer numbers so they will not improve.
  2. Matchmaking with NA in arena will be worse because you will have 300ms
  3. Oceanic will be less likely to get rewards since playing with an artificial double of human reaction time means you are at a disadvantage
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As long as this change affects Battlegrounds ONLY, leaving arenas under their own seperate AUS umbrella, I think its fine. Majority of the time unless its a BG weekend, you can never get any games other than WSG and most of the time you run into the same premade time and time again; this might be a good change even though it may be less than preferable due to lag.

Edit Nevermind I saw the blue post-RiP to anyone who was hoping to be competitive in arenas