[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

blizz killed my guild for money it seems.

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Please keep server transfers open indefinetly so we can stay on shadowstrike for raiding.

It is puzzling why you think should Blizzard allow players to switch servers frequently. Transferring Shadowstrike should not have been an option. While I sympathize with those experiencing poor ping, permitting constant server transfers is not the solution.

Bump for visibility.

Option 4. Leave 2 way transfers open indefinitely. allow us to move back and forth for raiding/dungeoning as we choose. Shadowstrike would act as a layer/shard of Crusaderstrike but based in AU. we can choose to go to Crusaderstrike to do the dungeons/group stuff. or we can choose to raid with our own guilds on shadowstrike and we can move back and forth as we want.

Lol, that’s not viable. Players are already complaining about their names not being available. If you keep transferring on and off, how do you think this will work? Do you really think Blizzard will put more effort into a seasonal game when they can’t even release content for the fifth time without it being buggy? Just so you guys can keep your names on both servers?

names on realms are protected. you can delete a character on a realm and that name remains locked to your account for 1 month. Make that work for xfers as well as deletes.

The complaining is because everyone who had to move onto CS had names already taken, if you are moving back and forward, and names are protected like with deletes, as long as you move once a month, you get to keep your name. Also some of us on OCE would be less likely to care about our names then our Ping. especially since most of us didn’t get to keep our names anyway, like 90% of the people in my guild had to rename.