[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

The poll was pushed to block the transfers to crusader strike. A move that would have 100% destroyed the oceanic population in game. It was a terrible move. The server was dying and you actively tried to keep players playing there. And you’re surprised when people call your poll biased? Maybe you didn’t know it was going to be. Maybe you did. You calling me a liar despite noone but yourself knowing whether you intentionally did what you did or not doesn’t do anything. At the end of the day the vast majority of the population wanted the exact opposite of what your poll showed. So yeah, the poll was biased to players that wanted to stay on shadowstrike. Why did so many people that wanted to stay on shadowstrike vote on the poll yet on the forums it seemed like 10 times more wanted off the server? You guys all have the same access as us to the forums?

How? What did I do to ‘push’ blocking transfers? Did you even read the poll?

I actively tried to collect measurable data when literally no one else doing anything other than arguing and crying on forums.

read the poll and tell me exactly what part is biased, PLEASE.

Because you repeatedly post lies in this forum, funny that.

Based on what data? There is nothing else measureable, that is the point. You cannot look at forum cryscreaming and call it data, if you do this, you’re an even bigger idiot that I thought you were.

Shockingly, maybe it was different people?
You can also see on the forums, a lot of the crying and smearing is coming from people on realms that are not shadowstrike LOL.

I cannot believe you are still completely unable to understand the difference between these two datasets (calling a steaming pile of forum posts a dataset hurts me).

Anyway, this is all besides the point.

Why do you repeatedly lie about me?
Accuse me of somehow being corrupt by directly influencing a public and open poll, with no explanation as to how I could possibly do this, and then squirm and dodge when pressed on it?

Confidently, and incorrectly proclaim that the poll was only posted in discord, when it’s posted in game and shared out via guild leadership. Why do you not simply admit you are incorrect here, instead of continuing to squirm like a rat in a trap?

Honestly, the easiest explanation is that you’re simply incredibly stupid and you believe that by nothing other than magical mod powers i can make the numbers do whatever i want. But, I suspect you are in fact just a very mentally damaged, parasocial obsessed freak who can’t help himself.
How close am I ?

Tldr. I got what I wanted. You didn’t and now you’re angry. I’m not responding to you again, you don’t play season of discovery and shouldn’t be posting on the sod forums.

Well, I never said it so I’m not sure why that would matter. Most people would just be happy finding groups on Crusader Strike if that’s what they were going for, not poking at people on here.

Certain types of people just grate on my nerves. I’ve unfortunately dealt with too many close people who are narcissists and you are giving the same vibe. The arguing style you use is identical, and it’s incredibly toxic.

So yeah… but this will be my last post to you but I’ll probably continue to give the same advice.

You calling me names is bullying and against the code of conduct. You have become what you swore to protect against. You’re like a real life batman but instead of stopping criminals you gang up on people and bully them on the forums.

It’s a very weird statement from people who choose to roll on an OCE realm at the start, and then back-slap and cheer when they are force merged and their server is deleted.
You didn’t know what you wanted until blizzard gave 4 days notice that Shadowstrike would get shipped to Chicago, seemingly because Penance was dead.
A lot of very super smart people coming out of the woodwork proclaiming ‘finally! I can play on the US with high pop!’ as if that was somehow restricted for the past year.
You could have, at any point, rolled on a US realm. Nothing was forcing you to continue to invest further into an OCE realm.

Thanks for your input but you don’t play season of discovery. You don’t know what it was like. The playerbase wanted off because the population was dying and it was becoming incredibly difficult to find groups, almost impossible outside of peak times.

Living rent free in your head my friend.

I won, you lost. Lol

Rent Free.

Settle down champ. Just because the vast majority of the oce population and myself got what we wanted doesn’t mean you need to lash out!

Rent free in your head.

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Really depends on the RSP. If you are with someone like TPG/iiNet, Superloop or one of the other trash providers their international routing isn’t as good. In these cases one of the lower ping VPN providers might help.

You want someone using GSL transit ideally (Leaptel and Launtel to name 2) - in these cases, a VPN is unlikely to help and will probably hurt.

This is good advice if you are in Australia, there is a lot of OCE outside of AU though, including myself haha.

Ultimately, trialing different solutions is the only way to know for sure if you can make it stable, but there is always a base minimum ms depending on your location. So far I’ve seen approximately:
syd/NZ ~180-200
WA - ~250
SEA - 250-300 (i’m in the middle of this)

Weird thought, but could you jsut turn off ss ah or just link it to cs’ ah and leave xfers open permanently (with a faster xfer time) xD so we can just xfer to the mega for daily life (no ss ah means no way to mess with economy’s, for all intensive purposes just adding an oce phase to the cs server) and then we can xfer back to ss for better ping raids xD. Or link the servers in all aspects but have a button to flick to oce phases using the ss server i guess, im not a tech guy but pushing taunt and not seeing mobs turn to me for half a second feels so bad

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Proposal to turn shadowstrike into the gdkp server of sod.


so you dont care about the players who play SoD???

only care about the players who play the abomination that was created after decades of not listening to players.

Lol dont lie to us you guys havent been transparent with the player base in over 15 years!!! dont start now.

Why dont you guys Region lock the servers and make them Anti VPN??? that would keep players playing on servers in there own regions and not able to go else where and dwindle down your player base!!!



Just turn off the oce AH’s, no ah no expoilting and leave server xfers open permanently with a look into faster xfers, ppl can do daily life on CS/WG and then xfer back for raid night. As long as you dont mess up lock out on xfers i don’t see how this could be bad. Maybe put in a name 2 week account name lock, so names can be taken if you go off realm to raid for the night. (warcraft logs might hate this idea)

and you say seeding isnt possible but it works for bgs? just need a way to designate a player as an oce player or na player when they walk in.

or maybe bliz can pay for everyones exit lag xD

Make oceanic great again bring back gdkp’s to shadowstrike.

Make WoW great again BAN GDKPS in all VERSIONS!!!