Late night bump!
Only one full weekend between us and Classic!
Let’s get this up for the afternoon!
Classic is approaching! Don’t step into this adventure alone!
Join the Occupation
Final bump for the night!
About 8 days to Classic!!
We’ve come a long way…
Azeroth needs you!
But what did I do?
Weekend raiding…exactly what i’m looking for! Will be interested in a spot when Classic launches.
Planned on rolling hunter, but warrior was a possibility so I could be helpful in DPS or tanking.
No need to wait until launch! Join the discord and get acquainted!
A lot of expansion in the guild lately. You’ll have plenty of people to play with if you join us!
Sending this up for the night!
thalnos gang gang
Happy Monday morning!
If your happy and you know it, join our discord! Clap Clap!
hands = 1 syllable but discord = 2 syllables. jesus man
I work with what I have \0/
Bumping this for the night!