Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

Seriously why can they just not fix it and make it right? What is with the stubbornness? Is it an ego thing? You f’d up just give people the missing currency they earned. Its very simple.


There doesn’t seem to be a Rank 3 Condensed Life Force available from MOTHER

You mean…you mean give the players what they want?..Sorry. We don’t do that here.


“We won’t be fixing it” is a pretty great response, yeah. I don’t get why they have to leave a sour taste with everything they do nowadays. This should have been a huge win for Blizzard.


Thanks for the insight AFTER the servers went live, really good stuff there. Small indie company.

“Customer Support will not be able to provide any Echoes of Ny’alotha in cases where a cache has been opened before the account is considered eligible. However, there will be many other ways and opportunities to earn Echoes once the characters are eligible. See this topic for more details: Obtaining Rank 3 Essences”

Amazing customer support.


Any company that actually gives a **** about their game would’ve canned this B Team squad after 3 horrible ideas that pissed off the community. I’m out 600 Echoes because we don’t test our own game anymore but instead make the customer pay $15/month to Beta test everything for us. And then they make a mistake and its our fault?


LOL. And how were the players suppose to know about this “eligibility”…unreal


Major Assault: 125
Minor Assaults: 150 (2*75)
Emissaries: 350 (7 X 50)

Its about 625 a week without doing anything extra or touching Visions.

You suggest? The process for obtaining this currency is a huge oversight. Blizz needs to fix this, it is not the fault of the player. I read the customer service statement that the currency will not replaced, that is joke. Please make this right and mail everyone the currency please. This is not the fault of the players.


This is ridiculous. People shouldn’t have to check the forums every time there’s an update just to be sure you guys didn’t screw something up.


According to wowhead: You must log into a character with a rank 3 essence.

Erm, I have rank 4 crucible and rank 3 meme beam.



Log into the other one now.

Why was it even like this!?!? Why not give every level 120 access to the currency no matter what and then restrict the purchasing of the essence based on what other characters have. Why in the world did they make players (without any communication of this fact) have to “trigger” the new currency by logging into characters they may not have played for weeks now. Why is everything so backwards with this company??


I have, and she got the damned echoes I don’t want on her.

You arent going to get the Echoes on your main.

and the time? you forgot the time, too positive, but try to invest the time on multiple alts and hope be able to be playable in 2 months of grinds, you think people has only 1 alt, 1 spec? dialy is 15 hours ignoring the main


False, you can get them on main too.

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Yeah I just realized that I have rank 3 lucid dreams, purification protocol and vision of perfection on the character I’m missing out on, so I should be receiving the echoes.

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Unless you have other character with rank 3 your main doesnt have, then you shouldnt be getting the currency?

What a flat out lie. They can and should… word choice matters and what they really mean is “Customer Support will not provide any…” as in they can but won’t.