Good change.
For main characters earning this currency - is it BoA so we can send it to alts or if not, can we get some transmog/pets/toys/exp buff items (BoA to trade to alts)/etc?
Good change.
For main characters earning this currency - is it BoA so we can send it to alts or if not, can we get some transmog/pets/toys/exp buff items (BoA to trade to alts)/etc?
I always thought that Alts should be seen as WoW’s equivalent of “New Game+”. It’s the same content, but your previous progression on your first run through said content carries over (to what degree it carries over, is debatable).
You didn’t get it right this time, either. Better luck next time?
It’s faster then I expected and it’s good that literally EVERYTHING gives you the currency.
I was actually expecting it to be a slower process than this, but I’m okay with this small amount of grinding! You should be able to easily get a couple per week on an alt without really even trying!
My thoughts exactly. I know people wanted them auto unlocked which would have been nice, but this is WAAAAYYYY better then I was expecting. The fact that you can have all BiS unlocked in less then 2 weeks, and even faster if you really decide to grind it out is HUGE. Thank god for no stupid arbitrary time gating.
Full 475 with corruptions would be better please if possible. Thanks.
This is absolute perfection and please just open shadowlands with THIS model for gear progression. I realize you have have stumbled on this by total accident, but please watch and see how great it is. No time-gate! OMG.
Exactly this, essences are less a “goal” and more like getting to max level. You are an incomplete character without at least 75 on your neck and your key essences.
Trying to do end game content without them is like trying to raid with no talents selected.
Adding to this, I’d like to see mementos become account bound or maybe let us buy a “memento crate” or something that isn’t a 1:1 ratio. That would make running alts through visions feel a little better.
Good perhaps you can take this new understanding and design philosophy and apply it to Crafting mats like Expulsom and Tidal Cores making it more alt friendly by making things like this account bound in Shadowlands. Fixing the raid item drops from needing x Number of Breath or Sanguicell to the focuses in the previous two patches helped a ton. This change of account bound special crafting mats would alleviate other BS that hurts crafting on alts.
Oppose to the 2-3 weeks it takes already? So, four essences, 8-12 weeks? What is this actually fixing? This is just a different route for the same goal and thus missing the point. The only difference is, you can now grind for it doing other activities. Thanks?
You have? I can go buy “power” from your store with a character boost to 120.
This is a subjective viewpoint. Clearly, you guys are missing the point. We don’t have to replay the game, it is an option and a feature that people enjoy. You taking away that enjoyment people either subscribe to your idea or not. My suspicion is that, people are “voting” to opt out of your idea and that experience and the kneejerk reaction is to appease your audience.
Subjective. Also, it’s pretty a wrong approach.
Customer - This steak is burnt.
Waiter - We feel it’s cooked properly…
Customer - I don’t like it that way…
Waiter - We feel if we make it YOUR way, it is the wrong way to enjoy our steaks.
Customer - I think I will go eat somewhere else
Waiter - Ok, ok, ok… We will make it slightly less burnt.
Customer - I don’t want it burnt at all
Waiter - Well, if you order our appetizer and dessert, we will make it the way you want.
Customer - I don’t have time for all that, besides, I just want to eat your steak.
Waiter - We feel you’re doing it wrong and if you would just do it our way we feel you would enjoy the steak more.
Customer - I don’t want to eat here anymore
^ You see how you apply your philosophy to any consumer circumstance and arrive at the same conclusion on how ridiculous this would be?
Essences aren’t power. It’s a feature of this expansion. Weapons, items, levels are power. Legion weapons were a feature, the leveling of the weapon was power. Where you guys dropped the ball was that you wanted us to relive that on each spec of a character, across many characters. Getting in line to go into an amusement park is an experience you don’t want to relive over and over again. Yet, getting in line to ride the coaster is tolerable. Stop making us wait in line just to go back into the amusement park if we have to go get something from the car. Does that translate?
Then there’s that… 8.2, this would have been an “ok” path for essences. 8.3 would be a late, but acceptable. 2 months later seems like enough people are voting with their subscriptions and pressured you guys to change. I just think earning these stupid things so your character is viable is convoluted and a needless time sink.
I don’t know. I get the impression from the post that the HV chest drops are weekly locked not repeatable. So I’d imagine you’d only be able to get 150 a week, not 150 per every 5 chest clear… I’m hoping I’m wrong though since this post is reading as a trade off of a grind and makes me feel that Blizz missed the mark entirely.
It’s 1 per week just doing a few activities. So that would be 4 weeks to get the 4 best in slot essences for your spec.
It goes faster if you do more activities, and you can also work on other Essences while gaining currency from the same content.
Is it account bound? No. But I’m actually surprised at how reasonable this seems compared to what we usually get from Blizzard.
Nobody cares about your rationale. just listen to your customers. Thx
I’m not sure it’s reasonable. I think they’re using our time to use as a metric to show investors and I’m kind of tired of wanting to enjoy playing this game AND paying for it. I think they’re begrudgingly appeasing us with a convoluted way to address the problem.
Personally, I feel they get 1 time sink. Subsequent time sinks should be eliminated. Earn the levels, earn the gear and stop forcing us to relive the time gating/grinds. They already have a neck and cloak to time sink us. It’s too much.
I feel that. All these systems are the reason why I haven’t ordered Shadowlands yet.
There’s such a thing as “too many systems” and we are definitely at that point. We’ll see… I’ve seen Blizzard say “we’re learning” way too many times to believe anything until they show us what their plans look like in the real world.
If I play a lot of M+, I’ll probably get 3 or 4 rank 3 essences in less than 2 weeks. No time-gate, no need to do dumb solo stuff like rep grinding or Naz follower or other really-boring-stuff - and I also gear up doing M+ while earning the currency.
Fixes a lot.
And Ima be proving it, I got a new DK ready to rock today. I went from 400 to 440 ilevel in 4 days last week to prepare and I will tank just to get gear (I’m going unholy in the end). I have a few low ranked essences… so I’m absolutely ready for it.
Makes me frustrated that they put in the perfect system - no RNG, not time-gated, you earn doing the content you want, you are only limited by your ambition - and peeps still complain. UGH.
They’ve walled themselves off from communication, the lack of feedback they take has made the community toxic and the fact they have seen people return back to classic 3:1 ratio should have been their learning experience. It’s a hobby many of us don’t want to give up but the reluctance to keep giving chances is there. I preordered only after they made statements these features wouldn’t be in the game anymore. I’m waiting to see alpha/beta etc information to roll out before I really give up.
I agree. This is MUCH better then 8.2 or would have been better at 8.3 launch. Now it’s too late and they doubled down.
I don’t disagree that THIS is better. However, timing and now the request for a different system seems to be asking much.
Honestly still not happy. Doing my normal content will put me at about 1 essence per week. So a month of full time playing an alt to get 4 essences. Pretty big time sink still. Not much of a difference between that and trying to get them normally honestly. Surprised most people in this thread can’t see that. Just another Blizzard jedi mind trick.