Observations from leading AV for Alliance in the past 2 weeks

Any type of stun? LOL

which data, exactly? the one you assumed ?

Can a stun run you into some place messed up and hard to jump out of?

Does a stun force you to run head first into a group of the opposing players?

Is there a mass AOE stun that lasts as long as fear? Well wait, I know you have warstomp! But it’s not instant cast nor does it last as long.

Can a stun bug you out and have you fall through the world?

Any type of stun he said…lol. K.


Peel the onion or eat the artichoke.

it can also make you run away from the person who casted it causing your team to not be able to secure a kill

It can also make you run in the direction you intended in going in the first place (i.e. a flag carrier running back to base)

Fears can be dispelled and broken by many classes with abilities, trinkets, ect

Not an intended mechanic so cant be used in an argument

Predictability is more reliable than the chance that fear COULD put you in a bad place.
Also there are very few abilities that can break stuns.

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A mass AOE loss of control cc that runs you somewhere you didn’t choose to be.

There is no better CC in this game.

Sorry fella. You lose again.


Up to 5 targets on only 2 classes.
Can also leave you in a better position than you were in aka not reliable

NA Horde are the most vindictive and spiteful people in any MMO I’ve played. It is the hordes mission in AV to prevent the alliance from getting any rep, its insane to me.


Priests Warriors and Locks.

The best CC in the game.


I don’t expect an Undead anything to be able to sympathize as to how bad aoe fear is…so I don’t blame you for your ignorance.

easy mode.


Locks can only single target cast fear

List of abilities/items that break fear:
Berserker rage
Rogue, druid, warlock, mage, priest pvp trinket
Paladin immune shield
ice block
Priest dispell
fear ward
tremor totem

List of abilities/items that break stun:
Warrior/paladin/priest/druid/shaman/hunter pvp trinket
pally immune shield
ice block
magic dispell if its a pally stun

Classes that have fear:
Warlock, Warrior, Priest

Classes that have stuns:
Hunter (talent) and certain pets
Druid (bear)
Shadow Priest
Mage (fire spec)
Warlocks (destruction)

Horde pvp server easy mode.

Come over to a pve server, horde side.

Guess you don’t premade AB/WSG then where this happens to solo queue’rs on both factions.

“Even if the Alliance do get SFGY, it is no better a spawn point than SHGY when it comes to advancing on IBGY. But if Horde get SFGY, it is the perfect spawn point to throw themselves at SHGY.”

SF is significantly closer to IB than SH is. You may want to rethink your strategy.

That might be the case, but then I thought you were discussing the spell Fear Ward. If so, you don’t understand how it works. My wife is a dwarf priest and I get Fear Ward all the time. It is a fairly long duration buff (5-10 minutes? something like that) and prevents 1 fear, at which point the buff expires and would need to be reapplied. It has a 30 second cooldown.

There is no “immune to fear for 30 seconds”, there is immunity to the NEXT fear.

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With coordination, a dedicated strategy and a 5 person premade they were able to reach a whopping 13% win rate. That just makes the 95-99% lose rate everyone else is reporting that much more believable

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Incorrect. You’re right though about fear being less oppressive than stuns though. Luckily horde get a race with a permanent stun resist too


Someone is really bad at reading…

His 10% win rate is from trying to get the horde to screw up and choose a fast game they might lose instead of a slower game they will def win, and thats with them using easily counted strats where they outplayed the horde by 30-200% on hks. So yes they can win when they are nearly twice as good as the horde AND the horde opt to play a strategy that might let them lose.


It would seem your lack of knowledge around items that break Fear sort of gives away a bit of your bias around why you feel it’s not that impactful, but I could be wrong.

Playing Warlock as alliance for the first time in 12 years has been interesting to be sure. Especially when something like 32% of the horde population is Undead.


Every AV I get into the Alliance voluntarily lose because you all (well, those of you that aren’t afking behind a tree) just sit at SH GY and wait to lose. It doesn’t matter how many HKs you get if your team never moves off of defense, and on the rare occasion your team does go on offense, you ignore GYs and go straight to Galv or our towers, which is piss poor strategy. Learn to hit and hold GYs on offense.

If you’re getting a 1% win rate in AV, it’s because all your good players are doing premades in AB and WSG and your scrubs are in AV for their free mark every 20 minutes.

Oh look another horde who is too dumb to understand the problem, what a shocker.