Observations from leading AV for Alliance in the past 2 weeks

Well, as a Grobbulus player, I will make my observation.

As far as I can see, alliance has 2 options in AV: focus on rep, or try hard.

You have tried hard. Let’s see what you have achieved:

This is objectively pathetic. Horrible HpH compared to premade AB/WSG. And what happened to rep? Since you barely ever won, and didn’t farm horde as much and held druids for turn ins, your rep per hour was abysmal.

So, the rep focus meta gives optimal rep and abysmal honor. Your strategy gives suboptimal honor and abysmal rep. So as you can see, your strategy is inferior.

Grobbulus-Alliance is a great server with smart players. We have a very open and transparent ranking discord, available for non-rankers to join premades when they want. The caps are kept low and there are only a few breakers which are either reasoned with or blacklisted for both pvp AND pve.

Grobbulus players don’t need to do AV for honor. They do it for rep only. Because they play smart.


Don’t worry all the “pro” horde players will come funneling in like this is SHGY and tell us what we are doing wrong and how to win AV soon!


Post on your classic toon coward

Oh man I laugh so hard when people get all serious and say this. Right, people are completely different depending on what avatar they post on. :roll_eyes:


OP is talking in win %.

You are talking in honor/rep per hour.

His strategy is probably better at achieving wins. Yours is better if you are ranking or grinding rep.

You obviously rank or have looked into, which is cool and I have nothing against it…but many people just want a good, fun battleground—with their objective being to win.

It’s really what you are trying to accomplish.


Here. I posted on my Classic character.

Now, you post on your alliance character.

Or do you only play as the easy mode carebear faction with OP racials?



I’m glad you grew a pair.

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I honestly wish they would just give us the 1.5 version of AV, 1.12 just sucks so hard.


Alliance can win a turtle.

But since y’all get instant queues its not worth it.

Horde win rate is better because they try harder.

I would much rather turtle for an hour and loss or win, rather then get 5mins out of my queue for a loss.

I’m not alone in this thought either.

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Yup, it has nothing to do with the rez point at their cave when we attack IBGY, ,it’s just cuz they “try” harder.

Love the horde “pros”. Keep them coming!!


I don’t think anyone has ever seriously said it was impossible. Impossible and improbable are not the same thing btw. There is always the possibility Horde doesn’t implement their easy counter to every one of these strats.


Map imbalance aside a two and half hour wait does really motivate you - you might not be able to pvp better but you don’t let yourself get beat by dumb mistakes.


I really don’t know what people are expecting. If the alliance get behind you and there’s no one back there and you don’t make a move to do something about it - its just a fast loss for you.

Couple that with a long wait and alliance are not going to be permitted to burn towers with 2 people.


It’s not even an issue if the IBGY was able to be taken, maybe of horde didn’t Rez 20 feet away 20 at a time.

Imagine if they made it do you can’t Rez at your cave unless you control no graveyards, that’s literally the only fix needed to balance the BG. Doesn’t seem hard but here we are still.


No they can’t

What logic makes you think that?

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Are we destroying our own resources?



The SHGY ambush strat alliance does has never really seemed, at least to me, like a viable strategy. It’s extremely easy to spot and call out long before the horde ever get to SHGY, or even SFGY for that matter. If the horde knows it’s happening, we can ball up and just rush straight on top of you with sappers and mages, and you really have nowhere to go. We wipe the ambush, contest SHGY and THEN go back to contest SFGY. Then everyone comes back to the choke and starts pushing alliance back down the road. When I was playing a lot of AV, that was the strat we used when we’d queue up as a 5 man group and tried to lead things. And yeah, I never lost a game doing that.


Myself and some friends have employed similar strategies with…mediocre success. One difference we have been doing is if the IBGY attack happens to fail, we have the whole raid( or as many people as we can get to listen) hide by the harpy cave until the horde raid clears the choke and begins attacking SPGY. At that point the whole team just rushes straight to drek and attempts a pally pull. Even if this fails, at least it stops a turtle from even happening.


Been saying this forever. Seems like that is how it should have been intended in the first place. Super easy fix. I honestly was surprised when I first learned that horde spawn at cave when dying at IBGY.


Yup, it’s literally the only reason we lose, contrary to what the horde “pros” think.