Every time I attempt a 5 mask run of Stormwind on my ele shaman this Boundless corruption elite always kills me. It is especially bad when you have a haunting combined with split personality as a caster. I can deal with N’Zoth as I regularly farm that boss for echoes each week, but this little nightmare? It has screwed me over more times then N’zoth and his other minions combined.
Its the Randal the Vandyl of N’Zoth
I’m more scared of this boss to be honest:
For me, its chinese escalators.
I’ve done 5 mask on a few different classes, my advice for that bad little bugger would be to go into him by proccing gift just before or by orbing on him.
Used to be a nightmare, I feel your struggle.
Orbing and proccing gift of the titan? Your right. Its never low health that gets me, but the sanity. Even on 0 mask I’ve gotten killed by that thing. This is the character I am trying to do 5 mask on by the way.
I. Hate. That. Thing. So. Much.
My exact thoughts. That thing literally scares me more then Alleria at times when I am attempting a 5 mask.
I still haven’t gotten a bloody 5 mask clear because of that thing. I can barely touch it before it just nukes me no matter how much I try to teleport away.
Yes but the fact this guy appears in N’ZOTH’S vision shows who the true face of evil is.
You’re getting your butt kicked by a puppet.
This thing is a nightmare of dancing (especially with pre-nerf leaden feet) but after all the worrying, it was always the two psychic scream trash after him that actually got me.
To make matter worse. Its easy to accidentally pull trash with that guy.
That’s BOB! He’s such a lovable little guy, just give him jerky treats and he goes right to sleep.
He’s such a lovable little guy
Oh no. Our beloved cookie gnome has thrown his lot in with N’Zoth. Whatever will we do?
Wait, he’s with N’Zoth? I only see him when he comes by with his owner Markus Manastorm (when he picks up cookies). I’m going to have to give Markus a good scolding!
Laughs in Rogue
I’m attempting 5 mask In stormwind this week! But as a resto shaman. My plan of attack is hit the guy with crucible of flame, obsidian claw, and lava burst. Then I’m going to ghost wolf and run around till lava burst procs. This guy and Shaw are the 2 I’m not looking forward to
Don’t act like you wouldn’t eat his void cookies.
To be fair, void cookies or not, a cookie is still a cookie. I’m just waiting on my Bear Cookies.