I miss Rhonin
Arthas /10
Despite all of wods faults, I always loved the follower system.
Going to take this a slightly different direction with my answer.
I miss good antagonists like Nefarion, Arthas, Kil’Jaeden, Gul’dan. These BBEGs were so stinkin evil and mean and spiteful and powerful that they stopped the petty and boring faction war.
And also, this:
Edit: These BBEGs also made the story lines more interesting, and made expansions feel like they had purpose.
I miss some of the things certain NPCs used to say in response to emotes.
Pebblebitty used to get a bit touchy when I did /doom at her.
This happens, like, twice PER EXPANSION. lol It’s why so many of us are tired of these stupid factions, because it’s all such a ruse anyway. We spend 2 weeks a year at each other’s throats in the name of herp-a-derp faction pride, and the other 50 weeks working side-by-side, helping each other overcome whatever various problem is currently facing us.
50 > 2 where I come from. Yes, we all know Warcraft was STARTED with the factions … but TIME’S CHANGE.
Chromie. I could stand to see her every day.
<3 chromie
Mankrik’s wife.
Thathung the Orc. He started off as an auctioneer and eventually became a grunt. I forget what his final rank was.
Gone too soon. Went out as well as any hero could, but he’s always been my main man since Wrath.
Woo Ping
the master at arms
Greely. Her and Hobart are my favorite characters in WoW, and Hobart just hasn’t felt the same so far in BfA (he’s still wonderful though of course!)… I assume because Greely isn’t around to complete the awesomeness package.
The upcoming goblin heritage armor quest could be a great time to bring her back…
Firelord Nomi - Burner of Things
I’m still salty about this. This was NOT okay Blizz!
Cairne and Thrall
(Badass Thrall)
T’paartos he was funny
I came to post this.
I agree, i miss Khadgar.
Lana’thel or any of the Blood Princes. Sadly seeing them again or anything similar is likely not ever going to happen.
Zen’kiki is sitting in Magni’s encampment in Silithus right now.