Mankrik’s wife
Dumbledore’s quote from “My Immortal” comes to mind. Cannot repeat here, alas! LOL
Oh how could I have forgotten Cho?!
I do miss like, half of the NPCs in the Valley of the Four Winds too.
I miss the pygmies from Cataclysm. Remember their voices? Second only to murlocs in absurdity.
That promising Forsaken I encountered in the quest “Welcome To The Machine.” Du…something. (Sure his name would be against ToS so not taking chances even though Blizz named to poor fellow.) He was so eager to please Sylvanas. If you see him in the Barrens, do tell him he’s missed.
Though with this guy he’s probably being held by the Alliance out of pity.
Zenkiki was good job, best part of WPL.
Vol’jin. Cairne.
Anyone who doesn’t answer with T’Paartos is an unenlightened heathen.
The chaddest Chad to ever Chad in all of WoW.
I didn’t realize until this thread that I miss Dog so much.
I’m going to go see him. He’s a good boi.
Varian. It’s just not the same, rolling a new Pandaren off the turtle and not getting to fight Varian when I reach Stormwind.
And where’s Nat Pagel this expac? My fishing quests are coming from some gnome.
Edit: Dog had better follow us from Dalaran to the new zones in 8.3. I’m sure I can find a new rock for him to sniff out.
Captain Placeholder.
That guy in Shattrath who yells about the fruit vendor and crushing an apple.
That might be the most terrifying “dog” I’ve ever seen in my life!
Sully “The Pickle” Mcleary.
Samantha Swifthoof. I’m hoping she quietly slipped off into the mountains during the cataclysm and is living there peacefully.
Heard he was spotted at Darnassus but now sounds like he’s headed to Thunderbluff
He can’t help how he looks!
I tamed him with steaks in Pandaria, and now he’s the goodest boy.
Asric and Jadaar. The last time we saw them really interact was when they bravely ran away at the Argent Tournament. Since then, they occasionally appear at Darkmoon Faire but they don’t bicker like a married couple anymore. Did they ever get married? Why did they mellow out? Why aren’t they getting new jobs and then getting fired from said jobs? Who knows? Certainly not us.
Point is, I miss the dorks.