NPC's you felt bad about killing?


Just unbelievably sad. I was shook after that and then Elune lifting her up to the stars.

Oh that choked me up a lot haha.


None :smiling_imp:

A lot of people say this. And while I want to try to get where they’re coming from, I also know they were going to actually try to blow up Stormwind.

That’s…that’s maybe a bridge too far.

I have no sympathy for that Blanchy-killing little strumpet.

Keristraza at the end of the nexus always got me

Wrath was the best

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Yep I don’t like that either I avoid killing them if I can, and that muffin thief in Argus, I did that quest once, and then no more.


Not a character you killed, but that escort quest in Dread Wastes with Chen Stormstout broke my poor heart.


vancleef immediately comes to mind


Leyara. I felt bad/angry about it even then, but time has only vindicated her more since Cataclysm.

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Any animal that a hunter NPC wanted me to hunt, like the ones they call “big game.” It’s so annoying, especially when it’s a requirement for completing a chapter.


I loved him more than I could possibly say. He was the reason I fell in love with Bloodelves in WC3 and I followed his journey…only to meet him in WoW and use him as a loot pinata.

I hated doing it, truly, and till now on my Belf character I have his verdant sphere with me. Fluck you A’dal


Yeah, very sad. He had so much pride for his people.

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I really hope we get to redeem him in the Shadowlands.

He was my favorite from WC3. :frowning:


Any humanoid slave that gets in the path of my fire mage while killing red slavers. I hate that most of my spells have a spreading effect when in those areas. I always like to believe that killing the slaver will free the yellow health bar slaves but the ones that die to pyroblast spreading…sigh.

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no one mentioned Bossy in Booty Bay? poor cow I had to kill to cover up for a damn Tauren pirate. especially if you choose not to kill him the first time and “Bossy breathes a heavy sigh of relief”


Fallen Protectors in SoO. They did all they could to protect the Vale but Garrosh was Garrosh.



That poor, beautiful dragon. She didn’t deserve it. :sob:


That one really got me. I grew to really like Cordana during WoD. You could just feel poor Khadgar’s heart sink when you gave him the news of her betrayal.


There was also a blood elf mage in Talador during WoD, Kaelynara Sunchaser. You don’t learn until after you loot a tear-stained letter on her corpse that she was the apprentice of Astalor Bloodsworn (who is a huge jerk btw). He cruelly mocked her and cast her out for not living up to his expectations, so she went into a crystal mine and started draining all the mana from it to prove herself strong enough.

And then you kill her…and you realize just how quickly your allies and friends could turn on you for a handful of gold, and nobody would mourn. It’s sobering and sad and really hammers home how much of a terrible, awful murder-hobo you are as a player. That quest really got to me and shook me up bad.

I wish there would have been a way to talk her down, so she could have lived.


Ugh. I shouldn’t be surprised. :frowning:

That’s a good way of doing it. I was put off by the quest in Stormheim to help those two Tauren since I knew the goblins were bad and murdered them. Luckily it’s not required and I skipped it on my alts. When I go by their home they are still there alive. It’s amusing because when invasions happen there are Highmountain Tauren guarding them.

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