NPC's you felt bad about killing?

When the WoW was very young there was a female orc and kid between the trek of ashenvale and horde territory. See several of us white knights made sure they werent killed during world pvp… one day way later I was alone and killed them just cause… they aren’t real? I dunno, it clearly still bugs me lol. Luna is not cruel :frowning:

All of them. I’m a monster. :sob:

Any time , as Horde , I have to kill a Nelf.

Any time , as a Nelf , i have to kill Forsaken.

^ it’s a long story.

I pretty much hate killing Elves all together , except for those Alliance High Elves who won’t even deign to talk to my Belf. Something about that just makes my blood boil.

I … simply … would … never … kill … Nalice .

Period. ---- Even if she had a nice bag and a mount to die for .

But then I understand Nalice is near - obscure now , or simply no longer with us , anyway ?

Ysera is my number one :frowning:

I agree with this. I hate accidentally killing the animals that are around, especially the ones that have babies.

The same, I started playing classic and hated doing that dungeon for that reason.

I know right! I hated watching people kill him! He was super cute and only wanted to eat muffins.

I also hated killing Archdruid Thaon Moonclaw. :frowning: so sad.


Gamon. :pensive:

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Garrosh, I always felt that Thrall pushed him into warchief too early and yes he made bad choices but some of them were for the horde and a part of me will always be in his horde.

Way back when…I was in wotlk beta there was DK ability where you exploded. So I always felt bad killing myself and leaving my pickle parts all over Dalaran

I forgot about this one, thanks for the reminder that I’m an in game dirt bag lol.


Hemmed and hawed perhaps?


I hate killing wolves of any kind because they make a tiny little whimper that sounds just like a dog in pain when they die.

I need someone to make an addon that mutes that noise. :frowning:


Cordana Felsong. She was our and Khadgar’s friend all throughout WoD, but we eventually had to kill her in Legion.


No, I hymed and hawled.

The fisherman Undead in Silverpine Forest. Undead are just people that have been through a lot as you know. This man was just going about his business peacefully, wanted a little quiet time with the fishies, until you notice he is Neutral and can be attacked. :pensive:

Sargeras. A very misunderstood hell-spawn just trying to do what was best for his people/demons. He even gave us his sword as a parting gift.

Honorable mention to Kel’Thuzad. I just get the feeling that deep down he’s a big softie.

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Saddest quest in the game. R.I.P. Bossy


I hate killing anything that’s not of its own mind. In Val’sharah there’s a quest to kill frenzied furbolgs. I don’t think I had killed any when I came across a furbolg asking me to look for his nephew. Low and behold you find out what’s causing the furbolgs to attack. Once you put a stop to it they become neutral. You think Blizz would have put something in place so you didn’t have to kill them since the druid even said they used to live peacefully with them. Annoying part was this quest can’t be skipped as it’s part of the main story. :cry: :angry:

I also get sad any time I have to kill a dwarf. :sob:


Yeah, you really shouldn’t kill anything that makes dog-like whimpers when dying.

Bad boy.


Mr. Bigglesworth in Naxxramas.

Kel Thuzad reacts so vehemently, that I genuinely regret right-clicking that cat.


There’s an old arcade game I remember playing called The Ninja Warriors and there were dogs that attacked you. I cringed at the sound they made when you killed them.


Mostly I try to avoid these…

I did not do the Dragon killing in the DK quest line. I just dropped that or refused to pickup the quest. I could not bring myself to do that.

There are a couple of others, I cry every time I have to kill the cow in Booty Bay. And then the Mage in Northrend who was forced to work for the bad guys. Dang!