NPC's you felt bad about killing?

You monster! :disappointed_relieved:


ysera, nazgrim, and all the red dragons i killed on my dk for the achievement that i dont think i have anymore :frowning:

Ysera without a doubt.

Wrath was 12 years ago and Keristrasza still hurts.

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I feel bad about killing anything in this game TBH. Both the Horde and Alliance are justified in their actions. I can see where both sides are coming from.

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Critters, all the critters. I made sure to go and love every single one for the achievements, just so I don’t feel too bad when they inevitably get slain in the cross fire of adventuring.

Thank the goddess that Unborn Val’kyr will resurrect nearby critters if you wait around with her by your side.



I feel bad about killing baby animals like fox kits and tiger cubs when their parents agro onto me and dismount me and they agro too despite being neutral.



Me too. Except I don’t kill player characters either.

That’s neat! I did not know that.


Nazgrim was a big deal for me. Ysera too. I’ll forever hate Tyrande and Malfurion for Ysera.

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I didn’t know about this one. I love pet effects like this!

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Wait. I can’t believe I forgot the obvious one.

Kaelthas. I felt really bad for killing him. TWICE.

And then many more times trying to get the phoenix mount.

Varian and Ysera

A recent one is a rare in Drustvar I think. It’s a bear and I forget it’s name but it has The Last Chillpaw as it’s title.

I get really sad killing it because of that.

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We didn’t kill him, but that one Nightborne (drawing a blank on his name) who lost it during Legion. Watching him go mad and then wander off struck a nerve with me


King Rastakhan, he was my favorite troll character in BFA :frowning: also i got kicked once for saying i didn’t want to kill general nazgrim in LFR.

Warlocks, especially Warlock Forsaken don’t really feel bad about killing… in fact we don’t feel anything at all… in fact I can’t feel my legs… oh god!

I honestly can’t remember any npcs we have to fight that we were friendly with at some point. Probably because I’ve never done raids…

When I was starting my worgen in darkshore: yknow that one quest where we’re supposed to kill blighted bears? Well some of them have non-blighted cubs that follow them around. One of the bears attacked me, I killed it, and then a cub wandered up to the body and I felt so guilty. I had that bear cub follow me around for a long time after that.


Yeah…hate killing dragons esp those who were just victims of bad guys.
Also really dislike killing any of those adorable baby dragons. :crying_cat_face:


This is not flames either. I like Bwonsamdi

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